November on the "Future Studies"

November on the Programme "Future Studies" for the students of the XXIV generation began with an active discussion and lecture by professor Ivan Milenkovic on the topic Absence of critical thinking. With this lecture module Future of the State and Society began.

Rade Rakocevic, president of the Alumni organization, on the module Skills for the Future, talked with the participants about leadership, the lecture was titled What makes a great leader. Activities on this module continued with workshop Public speaking. With Evica Kuc from The Belgrade Open School, students had the opportunity first to talk about how to make a good public performance, and then the public appearances and simulations based on previously given topics  followed, during which students were given suggestions and guidelines for improvement of this skill. Later in the module, participants discussed with Natasa Filipovic, from the company Ovation BBDO, on the topic Decision making at the beginning and end of all (non)success. Last lecture in November, on this module, we dedicated to learning about emotional intelligence, as a very important skill for the future. The students were learnig about this skill through tests, interview and workshop with Zorana Marjanovic Jolic from The Faculty of Philosophy.

Wednesday, reserved for the module Future of the State and Society, continued with lecture about capitalism and globalization by professor Miroslav Prokopijevic, and the lecture that followed wes with Dragan Zivojinovic from the Faculty of Political Science where students discuss about the future of international relations.

With lecture by professor Dragan Stojkovic from Faculty of Economics, students were introduced to the field of the world trade, and through active workshop they had the opportunity to create a picture of how economic and classic trade works. The last lecture on the module Future of the State and Society held by Lorna Strbac on the topic Towards a fourth technological revolution.

In addition to lectures on modules Skills for the Future and Future of the State and Society, special lecture on the topic Advancing Leadership and Cultures in the 21st Century, was held by Matthew Kwasiborski, professor at the American Institute of Political and Economic Systems from Prague.

The first meeting of Alumni2Students mentoring programme was held as the end of November activities, and an introduction of what students will wait in December. At that meeting students met their mentors, mentoring program guide was presented to them, as well as the overall mode of operation of this programme. In this academic year, 27 chosen alumni will mentor students of the XXIV generation.

Photos from our previous activities you can find here.


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