
Broj 13, 2006.




Tema broja

Uvodnik urednika broja, Nataša Radović i Tanja Milovanović

Ekonomija zasnovana na znanju, Miroslav Prokopijević

Inovacije i transfer znanja, Zorica Žarković

Inovativnost - nezaobilazan činilac razvoja, Ljubica Zjalić

Automatizacija budžetskog računovodstva lokalnih uprava, Biljana Tešić

Izgradnja društva znanja - izveštaj Komisije za informaciono društvo Vladi Republike Irske

Katalog linkova





Centar za proučavanje informacionih tehnologija
Beogradske otvorene škole
Masarikova 5/XII, Beograd

Odgovorni urednik
Nenad Golčevski

Tanja Milovanović
Iva Nenić
Nataša Radović
Milina Petrović

ISSN 1451-8112

Izdavanje ovog časopisa pomogli su fondacija
"Ulof Palme"

Ministarstvo kulture
Republike Srbije



1. Definicija društva znanja na Vikipediji

2. Biblioteka na sajtu Evropske unije koja sadrži veliki broj dokumenata, istraživačkih studija i eseja u kategoriji društva znanja.

3. Shvatiti šta je društvo znanja - dvadeset pitanja i odgovora (Understanding Knowledge Society - in twenty questions and answers with the Index of Knowledge Societies), Odsek za ekonomske i društvene odnose Ujedinjenih nacija
Question 1. Why is it important to understand Knowledge Societies?
Question 2. How is knowledge defined in this report?
Question 3. If the report identifies two forms of knowledge, which of them gives legitimacy to the prefix that qualifies the "Knowledge" Society?
Question 4. What are the main drivers of a society that is defined by its ability to develop knowledge, i.e. (mass-) produce "new meaning?"
Question 5. How is abundance or scarcity of the assets that are crucial for the Knowledge Society measured?
Question 6. Is it not true that all societies have always been and continue to be "Knowledge Societies?"
Question 7. What has been the immediate effect of realization that knowledge can be mass- produced?
Question 8. As transition will be involved, how does a social transition work?
Question 9. What institutional changes are required to secure the needed supply of tacit knowledge and creativity (people)?
Question 10. What institutional changes are required to secure the needed supply of information?
Question 11. What institutional changes are required to secure the needed supply of factories of new meaning?
Question 12. What institutional changes are required to secure the needed supply of ICT?
Question 13. How is whether a society is advancing or regressing as a Knowledge Society measured?
Question 14. What is the knowledge "to do": how can we generate it, use it and benefit from it?
Question 15. What is the knowledge "to be": how can we generate it, use it and benefit from it?
Question 16. What is the knowledge "to coexist": how can we generate it, use it and benefit from it?
Question 17. What central cultural thought?
Question 18. What is the knowledge "to maintain the developmental equilibrium": how can we generate it, use it and benefit from it?
Question 19. How do we measure if a society is developing as a smart Knowledge Society?
Question 20. How can a Knowledge Society be understood and what should we do about it?


4. Ka društvima znanja, izveštaj UNESCO 2005

  1. From the information society to knowledge societies
  2. Network societies, knowledge and the new technologies
  3. Learning societies
  4. Towards lifelong education for all?
  5. The future of higher education
  6. A research revolution?
  7. Science, the public and knowledge societies
  8. Risks and human security in knowledge societies
  9. Local and indigenous knowledge, linguistic diversity and knowledge societies
  10. From access to participation: towards knowledge societies for all




e-volucija ISSN 1451-8112
Centar za proučavanje informacionih tehnologija
www.bos.rs/cepit/, tel. 381 11 30 65 830