The overall goal of the sixth project of expert and technical support for career guidance and counseling of young talents and implementation and promotion of the Strategy of Career Guidance and Counselling in the Republic of Serbia is to further contribute to the successful implementation and improvement of youth policy in Serbia and long term influence the increasment of employability and competitiveness of young talents on the labor market.

The fifth in order, project of expert and technical support to the Ministry of Youth and Sport was conducted in the period May 2012 – March 2013.

BOS supported expert and technically, all the activities of the Centre for Career Guidance and Counselling of Young Talents, as well as the activities of the Ministry in the process of promotion and implementation of normative and strategic documents of the Ministry. In the past period, more than 450 scholars of the Fund for Young Talents directly benefited from the services of the Centre, indirectly, the Centre has had more than 4000 users (career informing via e mail, facebook and web page).

BOS Support Team has made significant contribution to the activities of the Ministry of Youth and Sport by providing expert and technical support to the Centre for Career Guidance and Counselling of Young Talents and in the activities of the Department for Strategic, Normative and Analytic Affairs of the Sector for Youth, all with the aim to strengthen and improve the institutional framework for implementation of public policies in the areas of career guidance and counselling and youth policy.

The third project in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sport was realized from June 2010 to May 2011. In this period, BOS continued to support the activities of the Ministry.

Firstly, through continuing development of the Centre for Career Guidance and Counselling of Young Talents which was founded in October, 2009. Besides the services of career informing and career counseling, the Centre offered scholars the possibility to participate in different workshops for professional development regarding preparation for job interviews, CV and motivation letters, entrepreneurship etc. As for institutional support, BOS participated in the preparation, drafting and adoption of the Law on Youth of Republic of Serbia. 

For the purposes of the Fund for Young Talents of the Republic of Serbia, BOS  developed a strategic document called the Model of the Centre for Career Guidance and Counselling of Young Talents, which brought together the latest knowledge and trends in the work of these centres. On the basis of that document, the Centre for Career Guidance and Counselling of Young Talents was established in October 2009. 

In order to further the development of institutions for young people, following the adoption of the National Youth Strategy and Action Plan, Belgrade Open School has supported the activities of the Ministry of Youth and Sport in the preparation of the Law on Youth.

BOS Support Team provided administrative and technical support in the policy creation process of the Strategy for Career Guidance and Counselling in the Republic of Serbia - BOS' team supported the entire process from drafting to adoption of the Strategy of Career Guidance and Counselling in the Republic of Serbia.

On proposition of the Ministry of Youth and Sport, on March 4th 2010 the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Strategy of Career Guidance and Counselling in the Republic of Serbia, with the accompanying Action Plan for the period 2010 - 2014.

Following the adoption of the National Youth Strategy of the Republic of Serbia on May 9th 2008, Belgrade Open School has provided support to the Ministry of Youth and Sport in the creation of the Action Plan, which was adopted in January 2009.
