Winter School of teamwork for students of 21st generation, Tara, 21 students, four days, February/March 2014.
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 34 students of the multidisciplinary undergraduate Future studies, academic 2013/14.
Winter School of teamwork for students of 20th generation, Brzeće, 17 students, four days, February/March 2013.
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 31 students of the multidisciplinary undergraduate Future studies, academic 2012/13.
Winter School of teamwork for students of 19th generation, Brzeće, 17 students, four days, March 2012.
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 35 students of the Multi-disciplinary undergraduate studies, academic 2011/12.
Winter School of teamwork for students of 18th generation, Soko Banja, 25 students, four days, March 2011.
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 34 students of the Multi-disciplinary undergraduate studies, academic 2010/11.
Winter School of teamwork for students of 17th generation, Kopaonik, 20 students, 4 days, February 2010.
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 30 students of the Multi-disciplinary undergraduate studies, academic 2009/10.
Winter School of teamwork for students of 16th generation, Kopaonik, 30 students, 4 days, February 2009.
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 35 students of the Multi-disciplinary undergraduate studies, academic 2008/09.
Winter School of teamwork for students of 14th and 15th generation, Zlatibor, 34 students, three days, February 2008.
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 35 students of the Multi-disciplinary undergraduate studies, academic 2007/08.
Students' selection, organization and realization of academic activities for 35 the Core Programme students and the 35 students of the European Union and the Balkans Programme, academic year 2006/2007
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 35 the Core Programme students and the 35 students of the European Union and the Balkans Programme, academic year 2005/06
Winter school on team building for the BOS students of both programmes, Zlatibor, January 2005
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 35 the Core Programme students and the 38 students of the European Union and the Balkans Programme, academic year 2004/05
Winter school on team building for the BOS students of both programmes, Zlatibor, January 2004
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 35 the Core Programme students and the 38 students of the European Union and the Balkans Programme, academic year 2003/04
Summer school on presentation of students’ final papers, Zlatibor, June 2003
Winter school on team building for the BOS students of both programmes, Zlatibor, January 2003
Students’ selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 35 the Core Programme students and the 35 students of the European Union and the Balkans Programme, academic year 2002/03
Summer school on presentation of students’ final papers, Zlatibor, June 2002
Winter school on team building for the BOS students of both programmes, Zlatibor, January 2002
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 35 the Core Programme students and the 35 students of the European Union and the Balkans Programme, academic year 2001/02
Summer school on presentation of students’ final papers, Lepenski Vir, July 2001
Winter school on team building for the BOS students of both programmes, Pokajnica, January 2001
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 35 the Core Programme students and for 35 students of the European Union and the Balkans Programme, academic year 2000/01
Summer School in team building for the Core Programme students, Lepenski Vir, July 2000
Winter school in academic reading and writing for the Core Programme students, Petnica, 35 participants, 1 week, January 2000
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 35 the Core Programme students and the 35 Open Programme students, academic year 1999/00
Winter School in computer literacy for BOS students, Petnica, 35 participants, 1 week, January 1999
Students selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 35 the Core Programme students and 35 the Open Programme students, academic year 1998/99
Students selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 100 students, academic year 1997/98
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 60 students, academic year 1996/97
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 45 students, academic year 1995/96
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 35 students, academic year 1994/95
Students' selection, organisation and realisation of academic activities for 20 students, academic year 1993/94
“New Leaders – New Opportunities” Regional School for Democracy, in Šabac, Serbia, 20 participants representatives of youth branches of political parties from Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, July 2016.
“New Leaders – New Opportunities” Regional School for Democracy, in Srebrno jezero, Serbia, 20 participants representatives of youth branches of political parties from Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 2015.
“New Leaders – New Opportunities” Regional School for Democracy, in Srebrno jezero, Serbia, 20 participants representatives of youth branches of political parties from Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 2014.
“New Leaders – New Opportunities” Regional School for Democracy, in Srebrno jezero, Serbia, 20 participants representatives of youth branches of political parties from Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 2013.
“New Leaders – New Opportunities” Regional School for Democracy, in Srebrno jezero, Serbia, 20 participants representatives of youth branches of political parties from Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 2012.
“New Leaders – New Opportunities” Regional School for Democracy, in Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, 19 participants representatives of youth branches of political parties from Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, August 2011.
“New Leaders – New Opportunities” Regional School for Democracy, in Palic, Serbia, 18 participants representatives of youth branches of political parties from Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 2010. “New Leaders – New Opportunities” Regional School for Democracy, in Palic, Serbia, 20 participants representatives of youth branches of political parties from Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 2009. Regional school for 25 young representatives of political parties from the Western Balkan region in Porec, Croatia. Autumn Academy "1968: 40 Years Later",in Rabac, Croatia, 25 partiipiants from Serbia,Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Macedonia, September 2008. First seminar within the four-months-lasting Capacity Building Program for members of youth branches of political parties in Serbia, 15 members of Youth of Democratic Party of Serbia, Belgrade, September 2008. “New Leaders – New Opportunities” Regional School for Democracy, in Palic, Serbia, 20 participants representatives of youth branches of political parties from Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. July 2008. Regional School „Young Leaders for European Balkan“, Rabac, Croatia, 18 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, 7 days, June 2008 “New Leaders – New Opportunities” Regional School for Democracy, in Palic, Serbia, 20 participants representatives of youth branches of political parties from Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Eighth Regional Summer School "Education for Democracy", Rabac, Croatia, 20 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia, 7 days, June 2007 Seventh Regional Summer School "Education for Democracy", Pula, Croatia, 20 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia, 7 days, June 2006 Sixth Regional Summer School "Education for Democracy", Opatija, Croatia, 19 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro and Macedonia, 7 days, June 2005 Fifth Regional Summer School "Education for Democracy", for 17 participants from both entities of Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, in Petrovac, Montenegro, May-June 2004 Fourth Regional Summer School "Education for Democracy", for 21 participants from both entities of Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 2003 Third Regional Summer School "Education for Democracy", for 18 participants from both entities of Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 2002 Second Regional School "Education for Democracy", for 25 participants from both entities of Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro, in Laktasi, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 2001 First Regional Summer school "Education for Democracy", Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 25 participants from both entities of Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro, August 2000 Number of seminars in cooperation with the Civic Initiatives, for Civic Parliaments throughout Serbia, 2000 Summer school "Education for Democracy" for activists of political, students' and non-governmental organisations, Divcibare, 30 participants, 1 week, August 1999 Seminar "Education for Democracy" for the young Roma NGO activists, in Novi Sad, for 30 participants, 3 days, November 1998 Follow-up for trainers of the School for Social Action (SSA), Belgrade, 20 participants, 1 week, June 1998, and the first SSA summer school, Subotica, 30 participants from political parties and NGOs, 2 weeks, August 1998 Summer School for the youth branch of the Democratic Party, Kusici, 180 participants, 3 weeks, July 1998 Summer School for the youth branch of the Democratic Party, Kusici, 180 participants, 3 weeks, July 1997 Summer School for the youth branch of the Democratic Party, Kusici, 90 participants, 3 weeks, July 1996 Summer School on political, economical and cultural reconstruction, Dundjerski Castle, Becej, 20 participants, 10 days, July 1995
Participation in the organisation of the training Developing effective strategies & communication tools for policy advocacy held on 1st to 3rd of October 2015 in Montenegro for 19 researchers on project Policy Bridging Initiative.
Participation in the organisation of the training Producing Policy-relevant Analysis and Writing to Influence Decision-making held on 25th to 27th of June 2015 in Belgrade for 20 researchers on project Policy Bridging Initiative.
Participation in the organisation of the training Policy Link and Brief Writing held on 14th to 16th of May 2015 in Durres for 12 researchers on project Policy Bridging Initiative.
Participation in the organisation of the training Policy Link and Brief Writing held on 5th to 7th of March 2015 in Pristina for 8 researchers on project Policy Bridging Initiative.
Participation in the organisation of the training Policy Research Design held on 5th to 7th of February 2015 in Skopje for 17 researchers on project Policy Bridging Initiative.
Co-organisation of the conference Enhancing the contribution of research to policy making in the Western Balkans – lessons from practice held in Belgrade on 19th and 20th November 2014 for 85 participants.
Policy Lab was held on 14th and 15th October 2014 at the premises of BOS for 20 representatives of the civil society organisations in Serbia engaged in project Policy Paper Writing for Civil Society Organisations.
Building capacities of 10 civil society organisations for policy writing through the projectP4OCD: Policy Paper Writing for Civil Society Organisations in three terms: 1st December 2013 - 31st of March 2014; 1st Jun - 31st November 2014; 1st November 2014 - 1st March 2015.
Educational programme “Recognize, Get Involved, Act” („Prepoznaj, uključi se, deluj“) has been implemented for the representatives of civil society organizations on “Approaching Europe – Contribution of Civil Society Organizations for Promotion of European Values in Belgrade” project on 19th and 20th of June 2013 in Belgrade.
The seminar "Bridging policy and advocacy - politicians, policy advisers and researchers as advocates," 30 Konrad Adenauer Fundation Stipendists, Ulcinj, Montenegro, September 2012.
Training "Introduction to Writing Effective Proposal for Public Policy", 35 participants of the School of Politics and Civil Society Politea, Center for Democracy, Palic, 1 day, 9th of July, 2012.
Training Efficient Policy Paper Writing, participants, employees of the National Assembly of Republic of Serbia, Working Committees, OSCE Mission to Serbia, Belgrade, 3 days, June 2012.
Training Effective Policy Paper Writing for participants of the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence was held in Niš, on 4th and 5th November 2010. Training seminar Efficient Policy Paper Writing was held in Ecka in period from 20th until 23rd April 2010 within the educational program Empowerment of Young Roma Leadership in Serbia. 11 participants of the program attended the training. Training Seminar „Efficient Policy Paper Writing“, 12 participants, employees of the Ministry of Interior, OSCE Mission to Serbia and CSO’s dealing with human rights and security, Belgrade, 3 days, April 2009. Training Seminar „Efficient Policy Paper Writing“, 10 participants, employees of Novi Sad Humanitarian Centre, Novi Sad, 3 days, February 2009. Training "Writing Effective Policy Papers", 16 participants – representatives of the Roma NGO in Serbia, Subotica, Serbia, 4 days, December 2008. Training "Writing Effective Policy Papers", 15 participants – employees of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of the Government of Serbia and OSCE Mission to Serbia, Belgrade, 3 days, December 2008. Training "Writing Effective Policy Papers", 21 participants – employees of the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, Belgrade, 3 days, March 2008 Follow up "Policy Paper Writing" in cooperation with The Canadian Society for International Health 15 participants – representatives of NGOs youth network in the frame of the project "Balkan youth and the health", Belgrade, 1day, March 2008 Training "Policy Paper Writing" in cooperation with The Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 17 representatives of the Youth Branch of Democratic Party of Serbia, Belgrade, 3 days, October 2007. Training "Policy Paper Writing" in cooperation with The Canadian Society for International Health, 15 participants – representatives of NGOs, Institutes and Government agencies which are involved in the project "Balkan youth and the health", Belgrade, 3 days, October 2007 Training "Policy Paper Writing" in cooperation with Jefferson Institute 13 participants – employees at the Strategic institute of Republic of Serbia Ministry of Defence, Belgrade, 3 days, October 2007 Training "Policy Paper Writing" in cooperation with The Canadian Society for International Health 15 participants – representatives of NGOs youth network in the frame of the project "Balkan youth and the health", Belgrade, 3 days, September 2007 Training "Policy Paper Writing" for young political leaders from Serbia, Belgrade Fond for Political Exception, The Spa Vrujci , 30 participants, 3 days, March 2007 Training "Writing Effective Policy Papers", 21 participants – administrative representatives of municipalities Senta, Sombor and Zrenjanin, “N.O.R.C.E.V.” Hotel, Mountain of Fruska gora, 3 days, july 2006 Follow up "Writing Effective Policy Papers", 10 participants – representatives of the NGO’s from Serbia, 1 day, july 2006 Training " Writing Effective Policy Papers ", 15 participants - representatives of Charity Fund of the Serbian Orthodox Church "Philantropy", Studenica Monastery , 3 days, June 2006 Training "Policy paper writing", 12 participants - representatives of Charity Fund of the Serbian Orthodox Church "Philantropy", Soko Grad, 3 days, May 2006 Training "Writing Effective Policy Papers", 10 participants - representatives of non-governmental organisations, Belgrade, 3 days, May 2006 Training “Writing Effective Policy Papers”, 29 participants – employees of Serbian Government, Parliament, Chamber of Commerce, and Coordination centre of Serbia and Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia for Kosovo and Metohia – Zlatibor mountain, 3 days, March 2006. Training “Writing Effective Policy Papers”, 27 participants – officials of the Government of Serbia, Serbian Parliament, National Bank of Serbia - Zlatibor, 3 days, November 2005. Training “Writing Effective Policy Papers”, 27 participants – officials of the Serbian Government, Parliament, Chamber of Commerce - Zlatibor, 3 days, October 2005. Center for Democracy Foundation and Belgrade Open School's project "Effective Public Policy: A Way to Democracy", 28 participants representatives of political parties, Part I – Kanjiza, 15–18th September 2005 Training: "Policy Paper Writing: a way to effective Provincial administration", 26 participants – officials of the Assembly and the Executive Council of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Čortanovci, Novi Sad, June/July 2005 Training: "Policy Paper Writing: a way to effective Provincial administration", 28 participants – officials of the Assembly and the Executive Council of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Čortanovci, Novi Sad, June/July 2005 Seminar "Polucy Paper Writing" for young political leaders from Serbia, Belgrade Fond for Political Exeption, Palić, 36 participants, 2 days, March 2005 Training: "Policy Paper Writing for public administration officials engaged in the matters of the European Integration of Serbia”, 24 participants – officials of the Government and of the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Serbia, Palic, 10-15th December, 2004 Training: "Policy Paper Writing for public administration officials engaged in the matters of the European Integration of Serbia”, 28 participants – officials of the Government and of the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Serbia, Palic, 13-16th November, 2004 Training: "Policy Paper Writing for public administration officials engaged in the matters of the European Integration of Serbia”, 28 participants – officials of the Government and of the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Serbia, Kopaonik, 10-14th November, 2004 "Writing Effective Policy Papers" (pdf) - guide for policy advisors in Eastern and Central Europe, December 2004 Follow-up for PPW trainers, 8 trainers, Belgrade, June 2004 Training for public administration and future trainers, 24 participants, Zlatibor, June 2004 TOT - Training for trainers on effective policy paper writing (PPW), 8 trainers, Belgrade, June 2004
Training "Policy Advocasy" was held from 28th to 30th of January 2015 for 22 representatives of the civil society organisations at Fruska gora.
Three days training "Policy Advocasy" for 40 members of the Red Cross Serbia held from 1st to 3rd December 2014 at Zlatibor.
Advocacy training for 27 members of the Red Cross of Serbia professional team, Belgrade, 3-4 December 2013.
Training to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations for the successful implementation of advocacy campaigns, with special focus on environmental policy, organized in the framework of the project "I know how to act," for 22 representatives of civil society organizations from Nis, Toplica, Pirot, Jablanica and Pcinja districts, which operate in the field of environmental protection, Prolom Spa, 24-28. September 2012. year.
Advocacy training for the 18 members of professional team of the Philanthropy, charitable fund of the Serbian Orthodox Church – Prolom banja, 29th of May to 1st of June, 2012
Advocacy Training "Developing effective strategies and communication tools for policy advocacy", 15 participants, Belgrade Open School, Belgrade, 2 days, 7 – 8 December, 2011
Training on advocacy in the environmental, under the project "Civil Society in Serbia in the EU integration: the adoption of values and promotion of dialogue", was held in period 19 – 24 February 2011 on Zlatibor. 33 representatives of civil society organisations attended the training. Public advocacy training for participants of the educational program Empowerment of Young Roma Leadership in Serbia held at Kopaonik from 25th until 28th May 2010. 16 participants in total attended the training. Public advocacy training for 20 participants from the Balkan Youth and Health Project, on 7 May 2009, Belgrade Training Seminar “Public Advocacy” for representatives of Roma CSO’s in Serbia, 10 participants, Vršac, March 2009. Advanced Training on Advocacy, 2 groups of 25 participants each - stake holders in pre-school education, Niš and Kragujevac, December 15 and December 16, 2003 Training on Advocacy, 2 groups of 25 participants each – stake holders in pre-school education each, Niš and Kragujevac, December 1 and December 2, 2003
Teamwork for Konrad Adenauer Fundation Stipendists, Novi Sad, October 2015
Teamwork for Konrad Adenauer Fundation Stipendists, Autumn 2014
Teamwork, communication skills, time and stress management, self-presentation and confidence building for 20 representatives of Ministry for Interior of Republic of Serbia, Vrnjacka banja, March 2014
Winter School of teamwork for DAUS students of 21st generation, Tara, four days, March 2014
Teamwork for Konrad Adenauer Fundation Stipendists, Vrnjacka banja, November 2013
Team work and negotiation for the representatives of the Industrial Unions of Serbia, 25 participants, Belgrade, July 2013
Winter School of teamwork for students of 20th generation, Brzeće, 17 students, four days, February/March 2013.
Teamwork for 15 Konrad Adenauer Fundation Stipendists, Srebrno jezero, December 2012
Teamwork for 15 participants of PolitiKAS program, Srebrno jezero, two days, October 2012
"Teamwork" for the 20 members of the Industrial Union of Serbia, Krivaja, 8 June 2012
Winter School of teamwork for DAUS students of 19th generation, Brzeće, 17 students, four days, March 2012
Teamwork for Fund for Young Talents of Serbia, Niš, March 2012
BOS has organized several training "Teamwork" for the Fund for Young Talents of Serbia, Belgrade, Novi Sad and Nis, November and December 2011
Team work and negotiation for the representatives of the Industrial Unions of Serbia, 20 participants, Belgrade, May 2011
Winter School of teamwork for students of 18th generation, Soko Banja, 25 students, four days, March 2011.
Winter School of teamwork for students of 17th generation, Kopaonik, 20 students, 4 days, February 2010.
Winter School of teamwork for students of 16th generation, Kopaonik, 30 students, 4 days, February 2009.
Winter School of teamwork for students of 14th and 15th generation, Zlatibor, 34 students, three days, February 2008.
Team work for representatives of Democratic party of Serbia Youth, 18 participants, Belgrade, 3 days, September 2007 Team building - one day seminar for associates of "Philanthropy" Humanitarian fund of Serbian Orthodox Church, 16 participants, Belgrade, December 2006 "Teamwork" for students of College of Modern Management, 30 participants, Banja Luka, 4 days, March 2005
Winter school on team building for the BOS students of both programmes, Zlatibor, January 2005 Team building for public administration engaged on European integrations, 20 participants, Kanjiza, December 2004 Team building for public administration engaged on European integrations, 19 participants, Kopaonik, 4 days, October 2004 Team building for public administration engaged on European integrations, 20 participants, Vrnjacka banja, 4 days, September 2004 Team building for public administration engaged on European integrations, 16 participants, Zlatibor, May 2004 Team building for public administration engaged on European integrations, 19 participants, Zlatibor, February 2004
Winter school on team building for the BOS students of both programmes, Zlatibor, January 2004 Weekend seminar "Team work", advanced course for 32 activist of People's Movement OTPOR, Vrujci Spa, February 2003
Winter school on team building for the BOS students of both programmes, Zlatibor, January 2003 Weekend seminar "Team work", for 30 activist of People’s Movement OTPOR, Vrujci Spa, December 2002 Weekend seminar "Team work", for 26 activist of People's Movement OTPOR, Vrujci Spa, November 2002 Rhetoric, media presentation, public appearance, for managers of local G17+ offices, Arandjelovac, March 2002
Winter school on team building for the BOS students of both programmes, Zlatibor, January 2002 Two seminars for local offices of G17+, Arandjelovac, December 2001
Winter school on team building for the BOS students of both programmes, Pokajnica, January 2001
Summer School in team building for the Core Programme students, Lepenski Vir, July 2000 Seminar organised for humanitarian organizations and NGOs dealing with refugees, the grantees of the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), Belgrade, June 2000
Autumn school of teamwork for participants of the seventh generation, Vrnjacka banja, 18th - 20th November, 2015.
The selection, organization and implementation of educational programme for 18 participants, the academic 2015/16.
Autumn school of teamwork for participants of the sixth generation, Srebrno jezero, 29th September - 1st October, 2014.
The selection, organization and implementation of educational programme for 21 participants, the academic 2014/15.
Autumn school of teamwork for participants of the fifth generation, Srebrno jezero, 3rd to 4th October, 2013.
The selection, organization and implementation of educational programme for 19 participants, the academic 2013/14.
Autumn school of teamwork for participants of the fourth generation, Srebrno jezero, 2nd to 4th of October, 2012.
The selection, organization and implementation of educational programme for 15 participants, the academic 2012/13.
The selection, organization and implementation of educational programme for 20 participants, the academic 2011/12.
The selection, organization and implementation of educational programme for 16 participants, the academic 2010/11.
Winter School of teamwork for participants of the first generation, Ečka, 21st to 24 of December, 2009.
The selection, organization and implementation of educational programme for 21 participants, the academic 2009/10.
Ministry of Youth and Sport
Centre for Career Guidance and Counselling of Young Talents within the Ministry of Youth and Sport
2010 – 2015
Organized more than 150 workshops for professional development on more than 16 different topics for more than 2100 participants in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis and Kragujevac;
Organized up to 300 counselling sessions with career counsellor;
Continuously is informing more than 900 members of Facebook group and more than 7000 scholars through newsletters, emails and website (;
Support to the Creation and Implementation of Law and Strategies in the area of Youth Policy and Youth Organizing
Law on Youth (adopted on 5th of July 2011) and by-laws which institutionally regulate the area of youth policy and youth organizing;
Strategy of Career Guidance and Counselling in the Republic of Serbia (adopted on 4th of May 2010) and its Action Plan;
Action Plan for the implementation of the National Youth Strategy for the period 2009-2014;
Reports on the Implementation of the Law on Youth and Strategies
Annual Progress Report on the Implementation of the Strategy of Career Guidance nad Counselling in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2013-2014 (150 copies)
Annual Progress Report on the Implementation of the Strategy of Career Guidance nad Counselling in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2012-2013 (100 copies)
Biannual Report on the Implementation of the Strategy of Career Guidance and Counselling in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2010-2012 (300 copies);
Annual Progress Report on the Implementation of the National Youth Strategy for 2010 (1000 copies in Serbian, 500 in English);
Researches and Papers
Publication "The Strategic Framework of Youth Policy in Serbia – challenges and perspectives” (December 2013);
Study on Youth Policy Indicators in the Republic of Serbia (march 2013);
Comparative Analysis on youth position in current strategies of the Government of the Republic of Serbia (March of 2013);
Applicability Analysis of the Study on Youth Policy Indicators in the Republic of Serbia;
Promotional Material
Bookmarkers about the Centre for Career Guidance and Counselling of Young Talents (1000 copies)
Pocket leaflets on public appearance and business communication (1200 copies);
Infographics Life after graduation: What now?
Commentary on the Law on youth (1,000 copies);
How to develop my career ... (1,000 copies);
A Guide to Career Planning (2,000 copies);
Law on Youth (bilingual edition, 600 copies);
Series of educational leaflets and posters on 5 topics relevant to youth: volunteering, entrepreneurship, employment, informing and free time (25,000 copies of leaflets and 1000 posters);
Leaflets about the Centre for Career Guidance and Counselling of Young Talents;
Leaflet on Youth in Serbia (500 copies);
Leaflet about the National Youth Strategy (5000 copies);
Leaflet about youth participation (3000 copies)
Public Events
Youth2Business event "Mingling with the industry - youth and business". The event was organized at Impact hub in Belgrade on 10th of March 2015 for more than 70 scholars of the Fund and Erasmus alumni.
Conference "Challenges of Public Administration Reform and Employment of Young Professionals in Serbia" for 90 representatives of both the public and private sector and international partners and donors. The Conference was organized in the Palace of Serbia on the 17th September;
Manifestation “Career Guidance and Counselling Days" for 134 participants (1st and 2nd of March, 2013);
Support to the system of distribution of information relevant to youth and organizion of more than 120 public events conducted by the Ministry of Youth and Sport independently or in partnership with other organizations, as well as preparation of press releases and other documents of importance to the public, presentations, and materials in order to promote youth policy in Serbia;
Support to the Working Group of the Government for the implementation of the Strategy of Career Guidance and Counselling in organizing regular meetings, providing administrative assistance in the realization of other regular activities during the implementation of strategies in the Ministry of Youth and Sport.
Embassy of Sweden in Belgrade
Technical and administrative support to the Embassy of Sweden in Belgrade for the project "Voices from Sweden", 25 - 31 October 2010. year.
Organization Management
Training "Project Cycle", organized for emploees in Zvezdara Municipality, 4 days, 2011, Belgrade
Training, fundraising and project proposals writing for young political leaders from Serbia, Belgrade Fond for Political Exception, Palić, 36 participants, 1 day, March 2005 Training "Fundraising and Communication", organized for 18 Caritas’ activists, from 15-18 September 2004, Vrnjacka Banja NGO Management for members of Ecological NGOs from Serbia, organised together with OSCE, Vrujci Spa, October 2002 NGO Management for activists of Roma NGOs, organised together with G17+, Centre for Interactive Pedagogy and Roma Association Zajecar, Zajecar, October 2002 NGO Management for members of Ecological NGOs from Vojvodina, organised together with OSCE, May 2002 NGO Management – "Covekoljublje", Prohor Pcinjski, October 2001 Two seminars on project management, organised for humanitarian and NGOs dealing with refugees, the grantees of the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), April 2000 Seminar on NGO Management for Debate Clubs in Yugoslavia (part of Soros Debate Program), Belgrade, December 1998
Academic Skills Advancement Programme for Young Faculty
Training for life long learning of teaching asistants of Belgrade University, 23 participants, October-December 2004
Minority Programmes
Regional Summer School "The Roma People - Prejudices, Misconceptions and Alternatives", Vlasina, (co-organised with the Society for Improvement of Roma Settlements), 22 participants (half Roma, half non-Roma) from FRY, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Romania and Bulgaria, 2 weeks, July-August 2000
Institutional Reform
Intensive course "Security Sector Reform 1: Police Reform", organized with the OSCE, 22 participants from youth branches of political parties, NGO's and Police Academy students, Belgrade, February 2004 Intensive course "Industrial relations", organized for members of Serbian trade unions, 25 participants, Belgrade, May 2002
Computer Courses
Training on IT for 23 participants from Ministry of Labour and Employment, October 2002
Bussines Education
Modular educational programme "From Idea to profit – how to finance business”, 40 participants, November 2007 - January 2008
Project Citizen
Introduction of the subject Civics in the formal system of education in the sixth grade of elementary schools in Serbia, September 2002
Workshop “Policy Advocacy in the Field of Environment at the Local Level” within the project KnowHow2Act, Vrnjačka Banja, February 25th - 27th 2015;
Panel Discussion: “Lost in the Negotiations: the Quality of the Public Dialogue on the Serbia’s EU Accession Negotiations" within the project Let’s Speak about the Negotiations - the Active Participation of Civil Society in the EU Negotiation Process, Belgrade, February 10th 2015;
Conference “Effective Impact of CSOs’ Projects Financed From Budgets of Units of Local Self-Governence” within the project ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform, Belgrade, on January 28th 2015;
Development of the analysis “The European Union Accession Negotiations of Republic of Serbia – Between Principles and Practice” within the project Let’s Speak about the Negotiations - the Active Participation of Civil Society in the EU Negotiation Process, December 2014;
Establishing publicly available free legal assistance for citizens and civil society organisations in the area of access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters within the project Aarhupedia, August – December 2014;
Providing support to implementation of projects of 11 associations whose project proposals were grant awarded in the framework of the Public Call within the project ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform, October 20th – December 31st 2014;
Monitoring Visit to grant awarded projects of associations from South Serbia within the project ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform, Vranje, Trgoviste, Bosilegrad, Surdulica, Vlasotince, Vladicin Han, Bela Palanka, December 17th – 18th 2014;
Online session with a tittle “Aarhus Convention – public participation and access to information“ within the project Aarhupedia, December 16th 2014;
Conference „Energy day Vrbas“ and presentation of the publication “Good Governance and Transparency of Energy Decision Making on Local Level” within the project Energy Transparency – a Path Towards to Sustainable Local Development and Fighting Energy Poverty, Vrbas, December 10th 2014;
Online session with a tittle “Aarhus Convention – Access to Justice” within the project Aarhupedia, December 9th 2014;
Monitoring Visit to grant awarded projects of associations from Southwest Serbia within the project ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform, Raska, Nova Varos, Cajetina, Uzice, November 25th – 26th 2014;
Tweetup #MojaEvropa within the project Europe in Your Pocket – Improving the Youth Informing on European Union and European Integration Process, Beograd, Novi Sad, Nis, Raska i Zajecar, November 25th 2014;
Tweet Chat #MojaEvropa with state secretary of Ministry of Youth and Sports, Nenad Borovcanin within the project Europe in Your Pocket – Improving the Youth Informing on European Union and European Integration Process, November 24th 2014;
Research and development of a guide „Good governance and transparency of decision making in energy sector on local level“ within the project Energy Transparency – a Path Towards to Sustainable Local Development and Fighting Energy Poverty, Jun – October 2014;
Presentation of the Android application Europe in Your Pocket within the project Europe in Your Pocket – Improving the Youth Informing on European Union and European Integration Process, Belgrade Book Fair, Belgrade, October 29th 2014;
Evaluation and selection of 39 project proposals of associations from South and Southwest Serbia which were submitted under the Public Call of the Grant Support to Grass Roots Initiatives within the project ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform, Vranjacka Banja, September 16th – October 20th 2014;
Study trip to Croatia for 9 representatives of local self-government units, public utility companies and regional development agencies within the project ReEnergy: Towards Sustainable Energy Policy of Local Communities, Zagreb, Ivanic Grad, Republic of Croatia, October 14th - 16th 2014;
Launched Android application Europe in Your Pocket within the project Europe in Your Pocket – Improving the Youth Informing on European Union and European Integration Process, October 14th 2014;
Training for representatives of civil society and local self-government units on “Partnership of public and civil sector in creating local development policies” within the project ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform, Zlatibor, September 24th – 26th 2014;
Study trip for third group – 24 awarded secondary school students from the Stari Grad Municipality of the City of Belgrade, Brussels, Bruges, Kingdom of Belgium, September 16th - 21st, 2014;
Advocacy Campaign for establishing institutionalized cooperation with units of local self-government from South and Southwest Serbia within the project ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform, August 15th – September 16th 2014;
Training for representatives of civil society and local self-government units on “Partnership of public and civil sector in creating local development policies” within the project ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform, Vranjacka Banja, September 9th – 11th 2014;
Announced and conducted the Public Call for Funding Associations in the Area of Local Sustainable Development (Public Call) in the framework of Grant Support to Grass Roots Initiatives within the project ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform, August 27th – September 10th 2014;
Consultative Meeting with representatives of civil society organizations in the framework of Grant Support to Grass Roots Initiatives within the project ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform, Uzice, Raska, Vlasotince, September 2nd – 3rd 2014;
Survey on Youth Interests on EU and Access to EU Information within the project Europe in Your Pocket – Improving the Youth Informing on European Union and European Integration Process, August 2014;
Analysis of energy sector governance and decision making processes on local level within the project Energy Transparency – a Path Towards to Sustainable Local Development and Fighting Energy Poverty, July – August 2014;
Consultative Meeting with representatives of local self-governments from South Serbia within the project ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform, Vladicin Han, August 14th 2014;
Consultative Meeting with representatives of local self-governments from Southwest Serbia within the project ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform, Nova Varos, August 13th 2014;
Launched upgraded web platform „Aarhupedia”, Jun – July 2014;
Conference “Media and Civil Society as Guarantees of Transparent, Responsible and Inclusive Negotiation Process” within the project Let’s Speak about the Negotiations - the Active Participation of Civil Society in the EU Negotiation Process, Belgrade, July 25th 2014;
Round table “Lost in translation: From transposition to implementation of the European Union acquis communautaire” within the project Know How 2 Act, Belgrade, July 14th 2014;
Consultative workshop within the project Let’s Speak about Negotiations – Participation of Civil Society in the EU Negotiation Process, Uzice, July 10th 2014;
Regional discussion forum named “Local Self-Government Units and Civil Society in Serbian EU Negotiation Process – Partnership for Responsible and Effective Application of EU Standards and Values” within the project KnowHow2Act, Vršac, July 2nd 2014;
Launched web platform “Local Development Toolkit”, within the project ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform, July 1st 2014;
Consultative workshop within the project Let’s Speak about Negotiations – Participation of Civil Society in the EU Negotiation Process, Nis, July 1st 2014;
Consultative workshop within the project Let’s Speak about Negotiations – Participation of Civil Society in the EU Negotiation Process, Zajecar, June 30th 2014;
Meeting of the Environmental Protection Committee Members and representatives of Civil Society Organisations within part of the mechanism called Green Chair, Belgrade, June 25th 2014;
Training of trainers for university teachers within the project Development of Policy – Oriented Training Programmes in the Context of European Integration (DEPOCEI), Nis, June 16th – 20th, 2014;
Training for representatives of civil society and local self-government units on “Partnership of public and civil sector in creating local development policies” within the project ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform, Nis, June 18th - 20th 2014;
Regional discussion forum named “Local Self-Government Units and Civil Society in Serbian EU Negotiation Process – Partnership for Responsible and Effective Application of EU Standards and Values” within the project KnowHow2Act, Kraljevo, June 17th 2014;
Consultative workshop within the project Let’s Speak about Negotiations – Participation of Civil Society in the EU Negotiation Process, Kraljevo, June 17th 2014;
Training for representatives of local self-government units, public enterprises and civil society organizations within the project ReEnergy: Towards Sustainable Energy Policy of Local Communities, Belgrade, June 11th -13th 2014;
Consultative workshop within the project Let’s Speak about Negotiations – Participation of Civil Society in the EU Negotiation Process, Subotica, June 11th 2014;
Conference “Let’s Speak about Negotiations – Active and Informed Citizens or just an Observers of Negotiation Process of Serbian Accessing to the EU” within the project Let’s Speak about Negotiations – Participation of Civil Society in the EU Negotiation Process, Belgrade, June 9th 2014;
Study visit for 10 volunteers of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Belgium, Brussels, Jun 3rd – 8th 2014;
Discussion within the project Let’s Speak about the Negotiations – the Active Participation of Civil Society in the EU Negotiation Process, Ecka, April 23rd - 25th 2014;
Workshop on development of content and methodology of training courses within the project Development of Policy – Oriented Training Programmes in the Context of European Integration (DEPOCEI), Portugal, Leiria, April 7th – 11th, 2014;
Study visit for 10 representatives of local and regional media, Belgium, Brussels, April 1st – 6th 2014;
Consultative workshop dealing with issue of mutual cooperation between civil society organizations and local self-government units, as well as with the role of organizations in development of local communities within the project ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform, Uzice, March 26th 2014;
Civil society organizations capacity building program within the project KnowHow2Act, Bor Lake, 3rd – 6th March 2014;
Training for Green Council members in Municipality of Paracin within the project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, Paracin, February 28th, 2014;
Presentation of Publication “Challenging Democracy – Public Participation in Environmental Making” and Green Forum, within the project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, Belgrade, February 27th 2014;
Training for Green Council members in Municipality of Trstenik within the project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, Trstenik, February 26th, 2014;
Training for members of Consultative working group for environmental protection and improvement in Municipality of Batocina within the project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, Batocina, February 21st 2014;
Workshop on the development of a methodological manual for trainers within the project Development of Policy – Oriented Training Programmes in the Context of European Integration (DEPOCEI), Montenegro, Podgorica, February 18th - 21st, 2014;
Results of mapping actors interested in monitoring Serbian European Union negotiation process have been published, within the project Let’s Speak about the Negotiations - the Active Participation of Civil Society in the EU Negotiation Process, February 2014;
Certificates were Awarded to the participants of training European Integrations and Project Cycle Management, Belgrade, February 14th 2014;
Consultative workshop and Green forum within the project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, Uzice, February 13th 2014;
Green Forum within the project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, Paracin, February 11th 2014;
Green Council has been established in Municipality of Paracin as a result of the project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, Paracin, February 10th 2014;
Green Council has been established in Municipality of Trstenik as a result of the project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, Trstenik, February 7th 2014;
Final Conference named “Cooperation between Regional Development Agencies and Their Stakeholders”, within the project Development for Real: Evaluating Development Impact and Performances of Regional Development Agencies in Serbia, January 28th 2014;
Number 3 of Newsletter of the Project “Development for Real: Evaluating Development Impact and Performances of Regional Development Agencies in Serbia”, December, 2013
Consultative meeting “Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process”, within the Project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, Bela Crkva, December 26th, 2013
Meeting of the Working group - The Environment, part of National Convent on European Union, “Local energy planning in Serbia” within the Project KnowHow2Act, Paracin, December 13th, 2013
Consultative Workshop within the Project Environmental Policy and the Process of Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union, Novi Sad, December 10th, 2013.
Final workshop designed for researchers of the organizations granted within this year “Think & Link” Regional Policy Programme of European Fund for the Balkans within the project “Development for Real: Evaluating Development Impact and Performances of Regional Development Agencies in Serbia”, December 7th – 8th, 2013
Training program on the capacity building for civil society organizations within the Project KnowHow2Act, 18 representatives of civil society organizations working in the field of environmental protection, Zrenjanin, 2nd – 5th, 2013
Consultative meeting “Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process”, Zrenjanin within the Project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, December 4th, 2013
Developing of policy papers within the Project ReEnergy – Towards Local Sustainable Planning, October – November, 2013
Breakfast with media representatives within the Project Environmental Policy and the Process of Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union, Belgrade, November 27th, 2013
Consultative Workshop “How to establish successful cooperation between regional development agencies and their stakeholders?” within the Project “Development for Real: Evaluating Development Impact and Performances of Regional Development Agencies in Serbia”, Novi Sad, November, 25th, 2013
Consultative Workshop “How to establish successful cooperation between regional development agencies and their stakeholders?” within the Project “Development for Real: Evaluating Development Impact and Performances of Regional Development Agencies in Serbia”, Uzice, November 20th, 2013
Consultative Workshop “How to establish successful cooperation between regional development agencies and their stakeholders?” within the Project “Development for Real: Evaluating Development Impact and Performances of Regional Development Agencies in Serbia”, Leskovac, November 13th, 2013
Consultative Workshop for establishing of the Local Council for Environmental Protection in the City of Kraljevo within the Project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, Kraljevo, November 7th, 2013
Consultative workshop and Discussion forum “Approaching Europe” within the Project Get Involved, Act within the project Approaching Europe – Contribution of CSO for Promotion of European Values in Belgrade, Belgrade, October 31st, 2013
Training program on the capacity building for civil society organizations within the Project KnowHow2Act, 20 representatives of civil society organizations working in the field of environmental protection, Belgrade, October 21st – 24th 2013
Consultative Workshop for establishing of the Local Council for Environmental Protection in the City of Vranje within the Project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, Vranje, October 22nd, 2013
Number 2 of Newsletter of the Project “Development for Real: Evaluating Development Impact and Performances of Regional Development Agencies in Serbia”, September, 2013
Development of training program within the Project Development of Policy – Oriented Training Programmes in the Context of European Integration, Alicante (Spain), September 30th - October 4th, 2013
Study visit to Croatia, 10 representatives of local governments, civil society and the media dealing with energy issues, Zagreb (Croatia) within the Project ReEnergy – Towards Local Sustainable Planning, Zagreb, September 29th – October 1st, 2013
Meeting of the Working group - The Environment, part of National Convent on European Union, “(Un) Ability of CSO participating in Republic of Serbia’s negotiations process with the EU in field of environment (Chapter 27) - significance of participating and obstacles” within the Project KnowHow2Act, Belgrade, September 27th 2013
Consultative meeting for representatives of Civil Society Organizations and Office for Cooperation with Civil Society within the Project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, Belgrade, August 13th, 2013
Consultative workshop and initiative for organization of Green forum in municipality of Paracin within the Project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, Paracin, July 9th, 2013
Visit of the Representatives of the Joanneum Research Institute, from Graz, and the representative of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), from Croatia within the Project ReEnergy – Towards Local Sustainable Planning, Belgrade, July 3rd, 2013
Field research through interviews and online survey within the Project Development for Real: Evaluating Development Impact and Performances of Regional Development Agencies”, June, 2013
Number 1 of Newsletter of the Project “Development for Real: Evaluating Development Impact and Performances of Regional Development Agencies” in Serbia, June, 2013
Work on the Learning Platform, analysis and development of policy solutions for energy policy on the local level within the Project ReEnergy – Towards Local Sustainable Planning, May – June, 2013
Consultative Workshop with Committee for Environmental Protection of Regional Development Agency Zlatibor within the Project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, Nova Varos, Jun 21st, 2013
Consultative Meeting with Associations and Representatives of the Local Government within the Project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, Vrsac, June 20th, 2013
Educational Programme Recognize within the Project Get Involved, Act within the project Approaching Europe – Contribution of CSO for Promotion of European Values in Belgrade, Belgrade, June 19th – 20th, 2013
Presentation of Project ConSENSus – Partnership Approach in Environmental Decision Making Process, Belgrade, June 4th, 2013
First Consultative Workshop: Improving Cooperation and Strengthening Communication with Civil Society Organizations and Local Self-Governments within the Project Approaching Europe – Contribution of CSO for Promotion of European Values in Belgrade, Belgrade, May 31st, 2013
Panel Discussion: Speak about Negotiations – Active Involvement of Civil Society in Monitoring Negotiation Process with the EU, Human Rights House in Belgrade, May 30th, 2013
Discussion Forum on Energy Planning and Energy Development for representatives of media within the Project ReEnergy – Towards Local Sustainable Planning, Belgrade, May 28th – 29th, 2013
Capacity Building Seminar for the researchers of the organisations granted within this year “Think & Link” Regional Policy Programme of European Fund for the Balkans within the Project Development for Real: Evaluating Development Impact and Performances of Regional Development Agencies in Serbia, Budva, May 10th – 12th, 2013
Training Need analysis research on EU integration topic within the Project Development of Policy – Oriented Training Programmes in the Context of European Integration, April, 2013
Capacity building programme “ReEnergy – Towards Local Sustainable Energy Planning”, 14 representatives of local governments and civil society organizations within the Project ReEnergy – Towards Local Sustainable Planning, Belgrade, April 24th – 26th, 2013
Round table on improving environmental policy in Republic of Serbia through strengthening civil society, local self-government and economy sector within the Project KnowHow2Act, Belgrade, January 24th, 2013
Consultative Meeting “Towards responsible and open process of programming and using local environmental funds” within the Project KnowHow2Act, Paracin, January 23rd, 2013
The Kick off meeting of the Project Team within the Project Development of Policy – Oriented Training Programmes in the Context of European Integration, Belgrade, January 18th – 22nd, 2013
European Educational Program for Public Administration Officials on educational module: EU Negotiation Process – From Opening the Negotiations to Full–Fledge Membership of the European Union, 35 participants, public administration representatives on central level, Belgrade december 5th – 6th 2012
Training Program on the Capacity Building for Civil Society Organizations within the project KnowHow2Act, 21 representatives of civil society organizations from Moravicki, Pomoravski, Rasinski i Sumadijski districts working in the field of environmental protection, Ivanjica, December 10th – 14th 2012
Third regional forum "Energy - aware and effective" within the project "Raising awareness of decision makers at the local level in Serbia about energy efficiency “, Belgrade, December 4th 2012
Discussion Forum “ReEnergy – For Energy Sustainable Local Communities”, Belgrade, November 27th 2012
Public debate regarding presentation of policy paper named “Improving capacities of local self-government units, civil society organizations and undertakings in implementing European environmental standards”, within the project KnowHow2Act; Belgrade 26th 2012
National Convent on EU working group “Environment” on “Future of Energy Policy in Serbia” within the project KnowHow2Act, Lazarevac, October 23rd 2012. Third regional forum "Energy - aware and effective" within the project "Raising awareness of decision makers at the local level in Serbia about energy efficiency “, Nis, November 20th 2012
Second regional forum "Energy - aware and effective" within the project "Raising awareness of decision makers at the local level in Serbia about energy efficiency“, Subotica, November 13th 2012
Discussion forum organized within the project "Local communities in European integration process – to sustainable model of civil involvement in creating environment policy", Subotica, November 13th 2012
Discussion forum organized within the project "Local communities in European integration process – to sustainable model of civil involvement in creating environment policy", Kragujevac, November 8th 2012
Consultative workshop in order to establish a consultative working body at the local level "Local communities in European integration process – to sustainable model of civil involvement in creating environment policy", Coka, November 6th 2012
Consultative workshop in order to establish a consultative working body at the local level "Local communities in European integration process – to sustainable model of civil involvement in creating environment policy", Arandjelovac and Gornji Milanovac, November 2nd 2012
Consultative workshop in order to establish a consultative working body at the local level "Local communities in European integration process – to sustainable model of civil involvement in creating environment policy", Paracin/Cuprija/Nis, November 2nd 2012
First regional forum "Energy - aware and effective" within the project "Raising awareness of decision makers at the local level in Serbia about energy efficiency “, Kragujevac, October 30th 2012
Press conference Presentation the results of the Project Strengthening Capacity of Serbian Administration for EU Accession, Belgrade October 30th 2012
Discussion forum organized within the project "Local communities in European integration process – to sustainable model of civil involvement in creating environment policy", Priboj, October 23rd 2012
Certificate awarding ceremony for participants in educational program within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for EU Accession“, Belgrade, October 11th 2012
Regional conference "Space without Borders - implementation of EU policies for sustainable development of local communities in Serbia" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for EU Accession“, Gornji Milanovac, October 4th 2012
Roundtable discussions on the process of negotiation of the EU acquis: Chapter 28 - Consumer and health Protection within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for EU Accession“, Belgrade, October 4th – 5th 2012
Study visit to Graz within of the project "Re-Energy: for energy sustainable communities", 7 representatives of local governments, civil society and the media dealing with energy issues, Graz, October 3rd – 5th 2012
Training program on the capacity building for civil society organizations within the project KnowHow2Act, 22 representatives of civil society organizations from Nisavski, Toplički, Pirotski, Jablanicki and Pcinjski districts working in the field of environmental protection, Prolom Banja, September 24th – 28th 2012
Round table Competition and Consumers - Challenges for the Republic of Serbia in the EU accession process within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for EU Accession“,Niš, September 20th 2012
Roundtable discussions on the process of negotiation of the EU acquis: Chapter 8 - Protection of Competition within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for EU Accession“, Belgrade, September 12th – 13th 2012
Roundtable discussions on the process of negotiation of the EU acquis: Chapter 27 - Protection of the environment within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for EU Accession“, Belgrade, September 10th – 11th 2012
Roundtable “Challenges and Prospects for the rural communities in the process of Serbia's accession to the EU” within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for EU Accession“, Padej, September 6th 2012
Fourth educational module "Project Cycle Management in the EU Funded Projects" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for EU Accession“, 30 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, August 27th – 30th 2012
Roundtable "The Adoption of European standards in the creation and implementation of Environmental policy in Serbia" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for EU Accession“, Kragujevac August 22nd 2012
Third educational module "Project Cycle Management in the EU Funded Projects" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for EU Accession“, 30 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, July 9th – 12th 2012
One day intensive training “For Energy Sustainable Local Communities” within the project “ReEnergy - for energy sustainable local communities”, 16 representatives of local self-government, civil society organizations and media, Belgrade, July 4th 2012
Discussion forum “Adoption of European models for improvement of civil involvement in creating and implementing environmental policy in local communities” 20 representatives of civil society organizations, Belgrade, Jun 27th - 30th 2012
The session of National Convent on EU about Financing Environmental Policy in Serbia within the project “KnowHow2Act”, Belgrade, Jun 26th 2012
Training and capacity building on “Program and policy evaluation” for partner organization representatives within the project “KnowHow2Act”, Belgrade June 13th – 15th 2012
Study trip on the educational program "EU Energy and Rural Development Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 30 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Brussels, May 21st – 28th 2012
Working on the learning platform, essays and testing of participants at the educational program "EU Energy Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 26 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, April - May 2012
Working on the learning platform, essays and testing of participants at the educational program "EU Rural Development Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 29 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, March - April 2012
Study trip on the educational program "Project Cycle Management in the EU Funded Projects" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 29 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Brussels, April 17th – 21st 2012
Third educational module "EU Energy Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 26 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, April 2nd – 6th 2012
Round table “Through cooperation to energy efficiency” within the CESID’s project “Inclusion of Civil Society Organizations in Energy and Climate Policy Making at Local Level”, Belgrade, April 5th 2012 Working on the learning platform, essays and testing of participants at the educational program "Project Cycle Management in the EU Funded Projects" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 66 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, February - March 2012
Consultative workshop within the project “Civil Society Organizations in the Process of Adaptation on Climate Change in Local Communities in Serbia”, Belgrade, March 21st 2012
Third educational module "EU Rural Development Project" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 29 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, March 12th – 16th 2012
Second educational module "Project Cycle Management in the EU Funded Projects" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 36 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, February 20th – 24th 2012
Study trip on the educational program "EU Employment Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 30 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Brussels, February 6th – 10th 2012
First educational module "Project Cycle Management in the EU Funded Projects" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 36 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, January 23rd – 27th 2012
Working on the learning platform, essays and testing of participants at the educational program "EU Employment Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 62 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, October - December 2011
Second consultative workshops within the project "New Employment policy of the Republic of Serbia - obstacles and perspectives", Kraljevo, December 22nd 2011
Final conference within the project „Energy of change - Challenging Energy Inefficient Society of Serbia”, Belgrade, December 15th 2011
First consultative workshops within the project "New Employment policy of the Republic of Serbia - obstacles and perspectives", Ub, December 2nd 2011
Third consultative workshops within the project "„Energy of change - Challenging Energy Inefficient Society of Serbia”", Novi Sad, November 29th 2011
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Basics of the Law and Political System of the European Union”, 18 participants – officials of the Government of Serbia, Miniseries, Government Agencies and the Republic Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, September 28th – November 28th 2011
Study trip on the educational program "EU Energy Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 30 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Brussels, November 21st – 25th 2011
Working on the learning platform, essays and testing of participants at the educational program "EU Energy Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 56 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, September - November 2011
Second consultative workshops within the project "Energy of change - Challenging Energy Inefficient Society of Serbia”", Nis, November 22nd 2011
Second educational module "EU Employment Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 30 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, November 14th – 18th 2011
Round table within the project "New Employment policy of the Republic of Serbia - obstacles and perspectives", Belgrade, November 17th 2011
First consultative workshops within the project "Energy of change - Challenging Energy Inefficient Society of Serbia”", Kragujevac, November 1st 2011
First educational module "EU Employment Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 32 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, October 17th – 21st 2011
Second educational module "EU Energy Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 27 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, September 19th – 23th 2011
Study trip on the educational program "EU Rural Development Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 30 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Brussels, September 5th – 9th 2011
First educational module "EU Energy Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 29 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, September 5th – 9th 2011
Structural dialogue workshops for representatives of CSOs, local authorities and other relevant actors within the project "CSO's Waste Management Communication Strategy – Social Bridge Between Public Authorities and Local Communities for Reduction of Electric and Electronic waste", Valjevo, June 29th 2011
Structural dialogue workshops for representatives of CSOs, local authorities and other relevant actors within the project "CSO's Waste Management Communication Strategy – Social Bridge Between Public Authorities and Local Communities for Reduction of Electric and Electronic waste", Gornji Milanovac, June 23rd 2011
Lecture on the topic "Central Europe and the Western Balkans", Belgrade, June 23rd 2011
Lecture on the topic "Approaching the European Union: Challenges and Changes in the Western Balkans", Belgrade, June 21st 2011
Working on the Learning Platform, essays and testing of participants at the educational program "EU Rural Development Policy” within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 54 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, March – May 2011
Press conference was organised at the end of the project „Civil Society of Serbia in the Process of EU Integration: Sharing Values and Maintaining Dialogue“, Belgrade, June 15th2011
Study trip on the educational program "EU Environmental Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 30 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Brussels, June 6th – 10th 2011
Panel discussion "CSOs and Local Development Policies in the European Integration Process" as part of the CSO Fair "Networking Energy”, Belgrade, June 2nd 2011. Second educational module "EU Rural Development Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 27 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, June 6th – 10th 2011
Structural dialogue workshops for representatives of CSOs, local authorities and other relevant actors within the project "CSO's Waste Management Communication Strategy – Social Bridge Between Public Authorities and Local Communities for Reduction of Electric and Electronic waste", Kragujevac, May 31st 2011
First educational module "EU Rural Development Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 27 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, May 9th – 13th 2011
Panel Discussion "Europeanization, Identity and Heritage of Nationalism" under the program „Dealing with the Future“, Belgrade, May 5th 2011
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Basics of the Law and Political system of the European Union”, 31 participants – officials of the Government of Serbia, Miniseries, Government Agencies and the Republic Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, March 17th – May 5th 2011
Study visit to EU institutions in Brussels dealing with Waste Management Policy and presentation of the policy brief on the topic "Zero Waste - Slovakian good practice example" within the project "Implementation of waste management policy in Serbia”, Brussels, April 26th – 29th 2011
Constructive dialogue between government representatives (Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning, Provincial Secretariat for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development of AP Vojvodina, Environmental Protection Committee of National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Serbian European Integration Office and Office for Sustainable Development of Underdeveloped Areas) and 30 representatives of Civil Society Organisations within the project “Civil Society of Serbia in the Process of EU Integration: Sharing Values and Maintaining Dialogue”, Ecka, April 13th - 15th 2011
Presentation of the policy brief on the topic "Zero Waste - Slovakian good practice example" within the project "Implementation of waste management policy in Serbia”, Belgrade, March 15th 2011
Working on the learning platform, essays and testing of participants at the educational program "EU Environmental Policy" within the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 56 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, March - May 2011
Second educational module "EU Environmental Policy" within the Project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 27 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, April 4th– 8th 2011
First educational module "EU Environmental Policy" within the framework of the project "Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for European Accession“, 29 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, March 7th – 11th 2011
Training on public advocacy in the field of environmental protection within the project “Civil Society of Serbia in the Process of EU Integration: Sharing Values and Maintaining Dialogue”, Zlatibor, February 19th – 24th 2011
The consultative meeting of representatives of CSO’s within the project Sustainable Environmental Policy on the Local Level: Towards Efficient and Responsible Management of the Urban Communities of Serbia, Belgrade, February 14th 2011
Study visit to Slovakia within the project "Implementation of waste management policy in Serbia”, Bratislava (Slovakia) January 26th – 28th 2011
Conference “Implementation of the Law on Waste Management at Local Level” within the project "Towards a Sustainable Dialogue for improving the Environmental Law”, Belgrade, December 23rd 2010
Conference “Enforcement of the Law on Integrated Environmental Pollution, Prevention and Control” within the project "Towards a Sustainable Dialogue for improving the Environmental Law”, Obrenovac, December 22nd 2010
Conference “Implementation of the Law on Waste Management at Local Level” within the project "Towards a Sustainable Dialogue for improving the Environmental Law”, Nis, December 17th 2010
Training on Policy Paper Writing within the project “Civil Society of Serbia in the process of European Integration: Sharing Values and maintaining Dialogue”, Kopaonik, December 6th - 10th 2010
Consultative workshop within the project “Civil Society of Serbia in the process of European Integration: Sharing Values and maintaining Dialogue”, Kovacica, October 31st - November 2nd 2010
Discussion Forum "The process o issuing permits for waste management" within the project "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards the effective and responsible management of urban communities in Serbia", Indjija, October 28th 2010
Educational program "European integration and local development policies" within the project "Include Belgrade: Shaping Local Development Policies in the process of European integration through Active and Responsible actions of civil society organizations", 30 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, September 26th 2010
Training on the integrated prevention and control of environmental pollution within the project "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards the effective and responsible management of urban communities in Serbia", Belgrade, October 26th 2010
Working on the forum at the educational program "European integration and local development policies" within the project "Include Belgrade: Shaping Local Development Policies in the process of European integration through Active and Responsible actions of civil society organizations", 30 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, October 18th – 22nd 2010
Discussion forum "The process o issuing permits for waste management" within the project "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards the effective and responsible management of urban communities in Serbia", Kucevo, October 15th 2010
Training on the integrated prevention and control of environmental pollution within the project "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards the effective and responsible management of urban communities in Serbia", Bor, October 12th 2010
Educational program "European integration and local development policies" within the project "Include Belgrade: Shaping Local Development Policies in the process of European integration through Active and Responsible actions of civil society organizations", 30 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, September 12th 2010
Working on the forum at the educational program "Partnership for European Integration in the Local Communities" within the project "Include Belgrade: Shaping Local Development Policies in the process of European integration through Active and Responsible actions of civil society organizations", 30 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, October 4th - 8th 2010
Discussion forum "The process o issuing permits for waste management" within the project "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards the effective and responsible management of urban communities in Serbia", Gornji Milanovac, October 6th 2010
Educational program "Partnership for European Integration in the Local Communities" within the Project "Include Belgrade: Shaping Local Development Policies in the process of European integration through Active and Responsible actions of civil society organizations", 30 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, September 28th 2010
Educational program "Partnership for European Integration in the Local Communities" within the Project "Include Belgrade: Shaping Local Development Policies in the process of European integration through Active and Responsible actions of civil society organizations", 30 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, September 28th 2010
Conference “Sustainable Dialogue for EU integration of Serbia” within the project "Civil Society in Serbia in the process of EU integration: Sharing values and maintaining Dialogue", Belgrade, September 21st 2010
Training on the integrated prevention and control of environmental pollution within the project "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards the effective and responsible management of urban communities in Serbia", Indjija, September 17th 2010
Training on the integrated prevention and control of environmental pollution within the project "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards the effective and responsible management of urban communities in Serbia", Nis, September 15th 2010
Discussion forum "The European perspective of Serbia”, Belgrade, September 14th 2010
Educational program "Partnership for European Integration in the Local Communities" within the project "Include Belgrade: Shaping Local Development Policies in the process of European integration through Active and Responsible actions of civil society organizations", 30 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, September 14th 2010
Introductory seminar on the educational program within the project "Include Belgrade: Shaping Local Development Policies in the process of European integration through Active and Responsible actions of civil society organizations", 30 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, September 7th 2010
Campaign "I have a plan for my city" within the project "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards the effective and responsible management of urban communities in Serbia", Kragujevac, July - August 2010
Campaign "I have a plan for my city" within the project "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards the effective and responsible management of urban communities in Serbia", Gornji Milanovac, July - August 2010
Campaign "I have a plan for my city" within the project "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards the effective and responsible management of urban communities in Serbia", Kucevo, July - August 2010
Campaign "I have a plan for my city" within the project "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards the effective and responsible management of urban communities in Serbia", Sabac, July - August 2010
Round table "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards successful primary selection of waste" - campaign "I have a plan for my city" within the project "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards the effective and responsible management of urban communities in Serbia", Sabac, August 5th 2010
Online program "Regional cooperation for European integration 2007-2010 – Actors and Instruments" within the project "European Union in My Community - More Efficient and Rational Local Development Polices in the European Integration Process", 34 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, Jun - July 2010
Round table "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards successful primary selection of waste" - campaign "I have a plan for my city" within the project "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards the effective and responsible management of urban communities in Serbia", Kucevo, July 28th 2010
Round table "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards successful primary selection of waste" - campaign "I have a plan for my city" within the project "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards the effective and responsible management of urban communities in Serbia", Gornji Milanovac, July 22nd 2010
Training program „MS Word 2003 MS Excel 2003 for translation and harmonization of EU legislation with the legislative system of the Republic of Serbia”, 27 employees of the directorates of the Ministries of the Government of Serbia, engaged on translation and harmonization of legislation of the Republic of Serbia with the EU law, July 15th - 16th 2010
Round table "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards successful primary selection of waste" - campaign "I have a plan for my city" within the project "Sustainable Environmental Policy at the local level: towards the effective and responsible management of urban communities in Serbia", Kragujevac, July 8th 2010
Online program "European integration and local development policies in Serbia" within the project "European Union in My Community - More Efficient and Rational Local Development Polices in the European Integration Process", 34 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, Маy - Jun 2010
Training program „MS Word 2003 MS Excel 2003 for translation and harmonization of EU legislation with the legislative system of the Republic of Serbia”, 11 employees of the directorates of the Ministries of the Government of Serbia, engaged on translation and harmonization of legislation of the Republic of Serbia with the EU law, Jun 24th - 25th 2010
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 24 participants – officials of the Government of Serbia, Miniseries, Government Agencies and the Republic Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, May 11th – Jun 22nd 2010
Round tables "Partnership for European Integration - models of successful cooperation between civil society and public administration in the process of creating and managing development policies at the local level" within the Fair of Civil Society, Jun 11th 2010
Training program „MS Word 2003 MS Excel 2003 for translation and harmonization of EU legislation with the legislative system of the Republic of Serbia”, 24 employees of the directorates of the Ministries of the Government of Serbia, engaged on translation and harmonization of legislation of the Republic of Serbia with the EU law, Jun 10th - 11th 2010
Study trip on the educational program "EU Environmental Policy" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 30 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Brussels, Jun 7th – 11th 2010
Educational program "EU Environmental Policy" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 29 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, May 17th - 21st 2010
Study trip on the educational program "Regional Policy of the European Union" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 30 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Brussels, May 10th – 14th 2010
Educational program "EU Health Policy" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 31 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, May 4th – 8th 2010
Online program "Partnership for European Integration in the Local Communities" within the project "European Union in My Community - More Efficient and Rational Local Development Polices in the European Integration Process", 34 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, March - April 2010
Working on the learning platform, essays and testing of participants at the educational program "Regional Policy of the European Union" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 60 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, February - April 2010
Training program „Translation and harmonization of EU legislation with the legislative system of the Republic of Serbia“, 25 employees of the directorates of the Ministries of the Government of Serbia, engaged on translation and harmonization of legislation of the Republic of Serbia with the EU law, April 28th 2010
Educational program "European integration and local development policies in Serbia" within the project "European Union in My Community - More Efficient and Rational Local Development Polices in the European Integration Process", 34 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, April 26th – 27th 2010
Training program „Translation and harmonization of EU legislation with the legislative system of the Republic of Serbia“, 28 employees of the directorates of the Ministries of the Government of Serbia, engaged on translation and harmonization of legislation of the Republic of Serbia with the EU law, April 21st 2010
Training program „Translation and harmonization of EU legislation with the legislative system of the Republic of Serbia“, 31 employees of the directorates of the Ministries of the Government of Serbia, engaged on translation and harmonization of legislation of the Republic of Serbia with the EU law, April 20th 2010
Training program „Translation and harmonization of EU legislation with the legislative system of the Republic of Serbia“, 31 employees of the directorates of the Ministries of the Government of Serbia, engaged on translation and harmonization of legislation of the Republic of Serbia with the EU law, April 19th 2010
Educational program „Basic of the Law and procedures of the EU“, 20 employees of the directorates of the Ministries of the Government of Serbia, engaged on translation and harmonization of legislation of the Republic of Serbia with the EU law, March 29th – April 14th 2010
Conference on "Cross-border cooperation in the process of European integration", Belgrade, April 14th 2010
Study trip on the educational program "EU Environmental Policy" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 30 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Brussels, March 15th – 19th 2010
Educational program "Regional Policy of the European Union" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 27 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, March 1st– 5th 2010
Educational program "Partnership for European Integration in the Local Communities" within the project "European Union in My Community - More Efficient and Rational Local Development Polices in the European Integration Process", 34 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, February 18th – 19th 2010
Educational program "Regional Policy of the European Union" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 36 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, February 8th – 12th 2010
Working on the learning platform, essays and testing of participants at the educational program "EU Environmental Policy" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 60 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, November 2009 – January 2010
Study trip on the educational program "EU ICT Policy" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 31 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Brussels, January 11th – 15th2010
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 26 participants – officials of the City Administration, City of Belgrade, Belgrade, December 3rd – 24th 2009
Round table „Sustainable environmental policy of the Republic of Serbia in the European integration process: obstacles and possibilities“, Belgrade, December 18th 2009
Educational program "EU Environmental Policy" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 30 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, December 14th – 18th2009
Study trip on the educational program "EU Health Policy " within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 32 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Brussels, November 22nd – 27th 2009
Educational program "EU Environmental Policy" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 28 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, November 9th – 13th 2009
Pilot project "Towards New Legislative Policy of the Republic of Serbia - Strengthening Capacities of Assembly's Committees for more Efficient and Responsible Procedures", 20 Members of National Assembly and employees of Committees, Ecka, November 12th - 14th 2009
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 30 participants – officials of the Government of Serbia, Miniseries, Government Agencies and the Republic Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, October 6th - November 17th 2009
Final seminar within the project "European Union in My Community - More Efficient and Rational Local Development Polices in the European Integration Process", 60 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Kladovo, November 6th - 8th 2009
Working on the learning platform, essays and testing of participants at the educational program "EU Health Policy" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 60 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, October - November 2009
Online program "Regional cooperation for European integration 2007-2010 – Actors and Instruments" within the project "European Union in My Community - More Efficient and Rational Local Development Polices in the European Integration Process", 60 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, September - October 2009
Educational program "EU Health Policy" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 28 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, October 12th – 16th 2009
Educational program "EU Health Policy" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 29 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, September 28th - October 2nd 2009
Working on the learning platform, essays and testing of participants at the educational program "EU ICT Policy " within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 60 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, July - September 2009
Tutorial work at educational programs: “Partnership for European Integration in the Local Communities” and “European integration and local development policies in Serbia” within the project "European Union in My Community - More Efficient and Rational Local Development Polices in the European Integration Process", 60 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, July - August 2009
Educational program "EU ICT Policy" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 30 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, August 3rd – 7th 2009
Educational program "EU ICT Policy" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 29 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, July 6th – 9th 2009
Online program "European integration and local development policies in Serbia" within the Project "European Union in My Community - More Efficient and Rational Local Development Polices in the European Integration Process", 30 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, Маy - Jun 2009
Study trip on the educational program "Advanced EU Institutions and Decision Making Process" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 30 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Brussels, April, Jun 22nd – 27th 2009
Working on the learning platform, essays and testing of participants at the educational program "Advanced EU Institutions and Decision Making Process" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 60 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, April - Jun 2009
Online program "Partnership for European Integration in the Local Communities" within the project "European Union in My Community - More Efficient and Rational Local Development Polices in the European Integration Process", 30 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, April - Маy 2009
Educational program "Advanced EU Institutions and Decision Making Process" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 30 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, May 19th – 22nd 2009
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 26 participants – officials of the Tax Administration of the Ministry of Finance, Government of Serbia, Belgrade, April 21st – 24th 2009
Educational program "Advanced EU Institutions and Decision Making Process" within the project "Strengthening Capacities of Serbian Administration for EU Integration“, 27 employees at Serbia’s local, regional, and central level of public administration, public companies, development agencies and other institutions of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, April 21st – 25th 2009
Educational program "European integration and local development policies in Serbia" within the project "European Union in My Community - More Efficient and Rational Local Development Polices in the European Integration Process", 30 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, April 28th – 29th 2009
Educational program "Partnership for European Integration in the Local Communities" within the project "European Union in My Community - More Efficient and Rational Local Development Polices in the European Integration Process", 30 participants from Serbia's civil society organizations, Belgrade, March 19th – 20th 2009
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 30 participants – officials of the Government of Serbia, Miniseries, Government Agencies and the Republic Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, January 29th - March 12th 2009
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 32 participants – officials of the Government of Serbia, Miniseries, Government Agencies and the Republic Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, October 2nd – November 18th 2008
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 30 participants – officials of the Government of Serbia, Miniseries, Government Agencies and the Republic Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, October 14th - November 25th 2008
Training program "European Perspectives of Serbia: Association and Accession Path towards the EU Membership" for 25 representatives of UN Country Team in Serba, employed in 15 UN agencies in Serbia, October 2008
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 36 participants – officials of the Government of Serbia, Miniseries, Government Agencies and the Republic Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, May/June 2008
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 35 participants – officials of the Government of Serbia, Miniseries, Government Agencies and the Republic Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, April/May 2008
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 30 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce and the Republic Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, January/March 2008
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 36 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce and the Republic Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, October/December 2007
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Sectorial Policies of the EU”, 28 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce and the Republic Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, May/June 2007
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 32 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce and the Republic Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, May/June 2007
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 34 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce and the Republic Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, April/May 2007
Capacity building for the young political elite in Serbia: Training for European integration - Law and Procedures of the EU, 27 participants, members of youth branches of democratic political parties in Serbia, Belgrade, March - April 2007
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 33 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce and the Republic Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, January/March 2007
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “EU Sectorial Policies”, 35 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce, and the National Bank of the Republic of Serbia, November/December 2006
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 33 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce, and the National Bank of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, November/December 2006
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “EU Sectorial Policies”, 35 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce, and the National Bank of the Republic of Serbia, October/November 2006
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 39 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce, and the National Bank of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, October/November 2006
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “EU Sectorial Policies”, 36 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce, and the National Bank of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, May/July 2006
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 39 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce, and the National Bank of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, May/June 2006
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “EU Sectorial Policies”, 29 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce, and the National Bank of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, April/May 2006
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 35 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce, and the National Bank of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, February/March 2006
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 30 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce, and the National Bank of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, October/November 2005
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Harmonization of the legal system of The Republic of Serbia with the EU legislation”, 30 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce, and the National Bank of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, June/July 2005
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 30 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce, and the National Bank of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, May/June 2005
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “EU Sectorial Policies”, 60 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce, and the National Bank of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, May/June 2005
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Harmonization of the legal system of The Republic of Serbia with the EU legislation”, 30 participants – officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce, and the National Bank of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, May/June 2005
European Integration Educational Program for public administration: “Law and Procedures of the EU”, 30 participants - officials of the Government, of the Chamber of Commerce, and the National Bank of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, March/April 2005
Panel Discussion "Europe: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow", National Library in Belgrade, June 2003
Celebration of the Nobel Day, organized in Cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden, October 2001
Celebration of the Europe Day, series of lectures, presentations and formal night - Academia, Budva, Montenegro, May 2001
Four round tables "EU - Serbia - From Exclusion to Integration", in cooperation with NGOs in Kragujevac, Nis, Novi Sad, and Belgrade, 30 participants per seminar, December 2000, and follow-up weekend seminar, 20 participant, Belgrade, February 2001
Project "Future and Europe", four TV educational broadcasts (broadcasted on both independent and national TV networks in Serbia and Montenegro) and the magazine "Euro transition", Belgrade, December 2000 - February 2001
Three five-day intensive courses on European studies, in co-operation with the European University Institute in Florence, Italy and the European Movement in Serbia, 25 participants per course, March-May 1998
The project @MojaEvropa has been selected as a good practice example and it was presented in the report to 21 Annual Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
The educational Twitter campaign @MojaEvropa conducted and during it more than three thousand Tweets on European issues, ideas and values were gathered, the majority of which were screened on Infotrg, an electronic display set up at Trg Republike.
ICTeachers - Trendsetters in ICT Usage in Education Conference was held on December 22, 2011 in Belgrade
Cepit team held seminar on digital literacy for 21 school teachers on 6th-7th October 2011
Youth web portal Mingl registered as public media by Serbian Business Register Agency; portal was redesigned; formed new secondary education students news desk, October 2011.
Organized summer school EVROKREM (EUROCREAM) - enhancing Belgrade youngsters for active participation in European integration processes, for 30 secondary education students from Belgrade, August-October 2011.
Millennial Generation - Surf ergo sum - research report on youth online behaviour, november 2011.
Publication eSafety, guidelines trough online world for parents and school teachers, June 2010.
Written research report on youth online behaviour, based on field research conducted in cooperation with 18 secondary education students from Serbia.
Held three day seminar Online Reputation for 20 secodandary education students, 25-27th March 2010.
Published Guidebook trough new media and journalism "Neki novi novinari" in February 2010.
Cepit has implemented Belgrade Speakers' Corner project - INFOTRG - na 14m elektronskim displejima koji su postavljeni na Trgu Republike, 6. decembra 2009, centralnom beogradskom trgu vraćena je stara ali modernizovana vrednost. On je ponovo postao mesto za saznavanje novosti i dijalog. Na INFOTRGU se emituju srednjoškolske vesti Mingla, vesti B92 i komentari građana na definisanu društveno važnu temu dana poslati SMS-om na 069/30-65-800 (po ceni standardne poruke) ili sa sajta
Final meeting on the project Net Action – ICT for empowering youth activism was held on 29. May 2009. The meeting took place at the Belgrade Open School, and 20 high school students from all over Serbia presented their youth project proposals to the donation jury. Project proposals are results of virtual school on youth activism held through web portal Net @ction.
Consultation meeting focused on issues related to the research and development in ICT held in framework of project “Development of knowledge society”, DOKS, in Belgrade Open School facilities on 9. April 2009. As a project result broschhure was published on DOKS web portal.
Consultation meeting focused on e-Learning held on 10. March 2009. in framework of project “Development of knowledge society”. Meeting brought together leading actors of e-Learning in Serbia. Consultation meeting has been focused on the discussion of current state-of-art and challenges, obstacles and barriers for successful ICT usage in education and e-learning development in Serbia.
Project "Don`t miss the calls!" was successfully finalized in March of 2009. Project was implemented with the support of Ministry of Youth and Sport, and in partnerships with 11 Youth. 24 secondary education students were trained through e-learning program and afterward facilitated workshops of peer education in job search.
Centre for Research of Information Technologies held the introductory workshop for 26 high school students from all over Serbia on the project Net @ction – ICT for empowering youth activism. The workshop took place in the Belgrade Open School on the 13th of February.
The SCORE project has officially completed its 2-year activity on 31st January 2009. According to the review report, it successfully managed to contribute to the strengthening of the strategic cooperation between the EU and the Western Balkans in the ICT research field. Project results can be downloaded from the project SCORE web site.
Conference “Towards an Information Society for the Western Balkans” co-organized by the two European Projects SCORE (Strengthening the Strategic Cooperation between the EU and Western Balkan region in the field of ICT research), where CePIT was involved as a partner, and WBC-INCO.NET (Coordination of research policies with the Western Balkan countries), with the support of the European Commission. Conference was held on 11. and 12. December 2009. and hosted by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.
CePIT of Belgrade Open School, Web portal Mingl, and 11 Youth offices of Republic of Serbia, organized on 19. and 20. November 2008. training for peer educators - secondary education students of final year, in the framework of project "Don't miss the calls - empowering of secondary education students by ICT usage for entering labor market ".
Center for Research of Information Technologies (CePIT) of the Belgrade Open School and Information Society Serbia organized a workshop “Key challenges in the EU – WB ICT research collaboration“, on 16th October. This workshop was held in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, as a part of the SCORE project, funded by the European Commission.
Round table “Internet and Public Sphere in Serbia”, 20 participants, 15th April 2008.
Mingl online school “Little School of Journalism”, 20 participants, March – May 2008.
Two days workshop “Information Technologies for Inclusive Society”, 20 participants, Belgrade, 8th and 9th February 2008.
Web portal ICT for an Inclusive Society for experts dealing with creation of inclusive society in Serbia, December 2007.
Two issues of online magazine “e-volucija” (available only in Serbian): Cyber Praxis and Techno-utopias and Techno-realisms, 2007.
Research study “Internet and Public Sphere in Serbia” (available only in Serbian - “Internet i javna sfera u Srbiji”), December 2007.
Workshop “Inclusive eGovernment”, 40 participants, 11th December 2007.
Study on eGovernment Services in Serbia (available only in Serbian), November 2007.
Web portal Mingl – first Serbian info-web service for high school students, launched in November 2007.
Consultation workshop aimed at identifying of research priorities for ICT research field for Serbia, 18 ICT experts, in cooperation with the Information Society Serbia, 22nd June 2007.
Second Thematic Workshop on FP7, Belgrade, 24th May 2007.
Thematic workshop on FP7, Belgrade, 8-9 February 2007
Internet and PC Penetration in Serbia 2006, empirical study, december 2006
Four issues of online magazine "e-volucija" (only in Serbian): Online Behaviour, Music in Digital Enviroment, Knowledge Society, Art as an Information, 2006
Online school "European Integration", 21 participants, secondary education students from gymnasiums of Mladenovac, Obrenovac, Third Belgrade Gymnasium and High School of Economics and Trade in Sopot, October-December 2006
Reserach study on Internet and PC penetration in Serbia, October 2006
Regional online programme "Information Society", 22 participants from Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Monenegro and Serbia, May-July 2006. godine
Lecture on Online Behaviour as a part of series of lectures named “Psychological implications of Internet usage”, 13th April 2006, Narodni univerzitet Kolarac
"Developing Network - Information Society in Serbia 2005", empirical study on Internet users and non-users
IS2WEB Mentoring Workshop for the participation in the FP6/IST thematic area, 40 participants, Belgrade, 22nd February 2006
Virtual School "Politics and Culture", for high school students, 21 participants from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, October - November, 2005
Regional e-learning programme "Information Society", 24 participants from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro, April-July 2005
9th issue of "e-volucija", magazine on Information Society, 2005
Virtual School "European Integration", for high school students, 20 participants from Serbia and Montenegro, April - June, 2005
Workshop on e-signature and its usage, february 2005
Perspectives of Networking - Internet in 8 capitals of Southeastern Europe, January 2005
8th issue of "e-volucija", magazin on information society, 2004
Collection of essays of participants of CePIT's regional online programme European Integrations, December 2004
7th issue of "e-volucija", magazin on information society, 2004
Round Table "Initiation of Information Serbia", organised by British Council and Cepit, 21st December 2004
6th issue of "e-volucija", magazin on information society, 2004
Virtual School "What is Democratic Society", for high school pupils, 23 participants from Serbia and Republic of Srpska, two months, 2004
Regional virtual school "European Integration - a view from the Balkans 2004", for political parties', NGOs, trade unions' activists, students and young professionals from ex Yugoslavia, 20 participants, 11th April - 19th November 2004
Seminar "Using Internet in Serbia", organised by British Council and Cepit, 21st June 2004
"e-volucija", magazin on information society, 5th issue: Initializing of Cyber Culture, 2004
Virtual School "Little School of Journalism", for high school students from 8 towns in Serbia, 24 participants, March - May 2004
"Global Citizens - Empirical Study of Internet Users in Serbia 2003", March 2004
Magazine of participants of virtual course "Little School of Journalism I" named "New School", published as an appendix of Magazine "Prosvetni pregled", February 2004
"Collection of essays of CePIT's Virtual Courses Participants: Transition, Globalization, European Integrations", February 2004
Collection of essays "Aspects of Globalisation", December 2003
"e-volucija", (ISSN 1451-8112) magazine on information society, four issues: Serbia in E-volution, New Forms of Art, Cyberspace and its Inhabitants, Double click for Knowledge, 2003
Campaign "E-volution… Cyber Space and Its Inhabitants”, consisting of 7 public discussions: What is Internet, Serbia and E-volution, New Babylon Library, Globalisation and IT, Knowledge on Click, New Art Forms, Cyber Space and Its Inhabitants, November 2003
Virtual School "European Integration", for broad public, 34 participants, October 2003
Virtual School "Little School of Journalism", for high school pupils, 23 participants, October 2003
Two virtual schools, each for 20 participants: "Aspects of Globalisation", for broad population, and "What is a Democratic Society", for high schools pupils, April-June 2003
Public discussion "Internet Survey: Belgrade 2002", organized with the Belgrade City Library, February 2003
"Internet Survey - Belgrade 2002", empirical study on Internet users in Belgrade, 2003
Two virtual schools: one for students and NGO activists "Serbia in Transition" and one for gymnasia "The Foundations of Democracy", October 2002
Seminar "Internet, Culture, Media", Belgrade, 20 participants, 3 days, May 2002
Seminar "Internet, Culture, Society", Belgrade, 20 participants, 4 days, March 2002
Seminar "Internet, Society, Individual", Belgrade, 20 participants, 3 days, December 2001
Web portal
Regional web portal "Faith-knowledge-peace" (
Schools and seminars
“Education of the culture of remembrance - the study of the Holocaust in Serbia” in cooperation with International School for Holocaust Studies Yad Vashem, embassy of Israel and Jasenovac Committee of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The program gathered 35 participants and lasted from from 10th until 13th of March 2015.
“Education of the culture of remembrance - the study of the Holocaust in Serbia” from 13th until 16th of May 2014, in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation, International School for Holocaust Studies Yad Vashem and Jasenovac Committee of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The program that lasted 4 days, gathered 35 participants.
Summer School "Interculutral dialogue in Serbia - a bridge toward inclusive and tolerant communities", Srebrno jezero, September, 2013;
Educational Program "Interculutral dialogue in Serbia - a bridge toward inclusive and tolerant communities", Jagodina, June, 2013;
Educational Program "Interculutral dialogue in Serbia - a bridge toward inclusive and tolerant communities", Zaječar, May, 2013;
Educational Program "Interculutral dialogue in Serbia - a bridge toward inclusive and tolerant communities", Vranje, 2013;
Educational Program "Education through the culture of rememberance - Holocaust studies in Serbia", Belgrade, March, 2013;
Training: Effective policy paper writing, 26 participants, Belgrade, February 2011;
Training: Effective policy paper writing, 26 participants, Belgrade, February 2011;
Regional School “Civil society, Ethnic and Religious Communities of the Balkans - Encounters and Interweaving”, Bečići (Montenegro), 30 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Serbia, 2010;
Regional School “Religions of the Balkans: Encounters and Interweaving”, Sarajevo, 35 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Serbia, 2009;
Winter School „Religions of Serbia: Encounters and Interweaving“, Novi Sad, 33 participants from Serbia, 2007;
Summer School „Religions of Serbia: Encounters and Interweaving“, Palic (Subotica), 27 participants from Serbia, 2007;
Regional Follow-up seminar, "Religions of the Balkans: dialogue and reconciliation", Sarajevo, 15 selected participants of the Third Regional Summer School, 2003;
Regional Summer School "Religion of the Balkans: Encounters and Interweaving", Kikinda, Serbia, 21 participant from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia, 2003;
Regional Follow-up Seminar "Religions of the Balkans: Experiences and Perspectives", Budva, Montenegro, 15 selected participants of the Second Regional Summer School, 2003;
Regional Follow-up Seminar "Religions of the Balkans: Dialogue and Reconciliation", Novi Pazar, Serbia, 15 selected participants of the Second Regional Summer School, 2003;
Regional Summer School "Religion of the Balkans: Encounters and Interweaving", Palic (Subotica), Serbia, 30 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia, 2002;
Regional Follow-up Seminar "Religions of the Balkans: Experiences and Perspectives", Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 15 selected participants of the First Regional Summer School, 2002;
Regional Follow-up Seminar "Religions of the Balkans: Dialogue and Reconciliation", Laktasi, Republic of Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina, 15 selected participants of the First Regional Summer School, 2001;
Regional Summer School "Religion of the Balkans: Encounters and Interweaving", Palic (Subotica), Serbia, 30 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia, 2001.
On-line programmes
Follow-up online program of the educational program "Education of the culture of remembrance - the study of the Holocaust in Serbia" , held from 12 - 15 March 2013. The program lasted until mid-March 2014.
“School of the Tolerance - Ethnic and Religious Communities in Contemporary Society”, virtual school for 30 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia 10 weeks, November 2010 - February 2011; (
“School of the Tolerance - Ethnic and Religious Communities in the promotion of minority rights”, virtual school for 30 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia 10 weeks, November 2009 - February 2010; (
“School of the Tolerance - Ethnic and Religious Communities in the promotion of human rights”, virtual school for 25 participants from Serbia, 10 weeks, September - November 2009; (
“School of the Tolerance - Ethnic and Religious Communities in the Period of Transition”, virtual school for 30 participants from Serbia, 9 weeks, November 2007 – February 2008; (
“School of the Tolerance - Ethnic and Religious Communities in the Period of Transition”, virtual school for 30 participants from Western Balkans countries, 9 weeks, May – July 2007; (
“School of the Tolerance - Ethnic and Religious Communities in the Period of Transition”, virtual school for 30 participants from”, virtual school for 25 participants from Western Balkans countries, 11 weeks, September – December 2006;
Conferences and Round tables
A one-day workshop-conference for priests, seminarians, religious teachers, NGO activists, as well as students and graduates of social sciences who are involved or have a desire to engage in peace activism religiously motivated. Workshop-Conference was held on 20 March 2014. Lectures were held by His Grace Bishop of Ulpiana, Mr. Jovan Ćulibrk, Marijana Toma from the Humanitarian Law Center, and Dr. Nikola Knezevic, from the Center for the Study of Religion, politics and society at the end a workshop was held, and where the participants gave suggestions for religiously motivated activism. It was led by Ivana Bartulovic.
Mr. John Dettoni, president of Chrysalis Ministries gave a special lecture "Biblical perspectives on leadership – both positive and negative?" to the students of XXI generation of the Department of Advanced Undergraduate Studies (DAUS) and its alumni members, on Thursday, 24th April 2014. Chrysalis Ministries is an international, non-governmental organization for leader and teacher development.
Ambassador of Israel to the Republic of Serbia H. E. Yossif Levy delivered a special lecture to the students on 13th May 2013. in the premises of BOS named "How Israeli citizens build their identities, coming from so many cultures and states?"
Colonel Shaul Shay, lecturer at Bar Illan University and senior research fellow of the International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism delivered a special lecture to the students on 27th October 2012 named "Middle East between democratization and islamization"
Conference "Balkan and Middle East", Belgrade, October, 2012
Conference "Balkan and Middle East", Patriarchate of Pec, October, 2012
CIRel representative took part in 8th Regional Central and Eastern European Conference of European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR), with the topic “A theological approach to the suffering and hopes of women”. The Conference was held in period from 2nd to 7th of September in Monastery of Trstenik, Split, Croatia.
Representative of CIRel attended from 1st to 19th of July 2012 the International Seminar for Educators “Teaching about the Shoah and Antisemitism” at the International School for Holocaust Studies Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel.
Professor Tomasso Dell'Erra of Tuscia University of Viterbo, Italy, held a special lecture "The Vatican and the racial laws in Italy", at the invitation of the Center for Religious Studies of the Belgrade Open School. The lecture was held on 15th of June 2012, in the Belgrade Open School.
CIRel and CePIT representatives participated on 18th and 19th May 2012 at the International Conference “Media, Religion and Violence in the Post-Conflict Society”, which took place in Dom Omladine in Belgrade, in organization of Centre for Studies of Religion, Politics and Society.
H.E. Ambassador Douglas Davidson delivered a special lecture on "Education on the Holocaust and prevention of serious crimes against humanity" in BOS on Thursday, 10th of May, 2012.
The representative of the Center for Religious Studies of the Belgrade Open School was in the working visit to the United States in a period of 17th to 29th of April 2012, where she had a series of activities aimed at improving the work of the Belgrade Open School and its international links and activities.
Special Lecture "Arab spring" of professor Raphael Israeli was held in Belgrade Open School on 3rd of February 2012.Izraeli's lecture, lasting two and a half hours, was attended by numerous guests, students, alumni BOS and the representatives of media.
On Thursday, December 15th 2011, Centre for Religious Studies of the Belgrade Open School and publisher MostArt organized a panel discussion regarding the publishing of the book “Church and the media challenges”, written by Marijana Ajzenkol.
Belgrade Open School celebrated its 18th birthday with its lecturers, students and associates at a reception at Dom Vojske Srbije on 10th November 2011. Since its foundation in 1993, Belgrade Open School has actively contributed to the overall development of the society through additional education and training of the agents of social changes, as well as the professional support to institutions and research and development of public policies, with the aim of creating a modern society based on democratic values.
The discussion on the topic "Religion and Identity and the Challenges of (post)modern society" was held on Wednesday 22nd of June 2011, in BOS premises.The fifth panel discussion, under the project “Facing the Future”, was organized by the Centre for Religious Studies (CIRel).
Successfully conducted Regional Conference ""Civil society and religious communities for strengthening the position of ethnic minorities"organized in Subotica 22nd to 25th March 2011 by Centre for Religious Studies of the Belgrade Open School in partnership with Theological-Catechetical Institute of Roman Catholic Diocese of Subotica, gathered representatives of civil society organizations, religious and ethnic communities, local authorities, media, university professors and teachers adopted the Declaration of Subotica.
Regional conference “Civil Society and Religious Communities for Strengthening the Position of Ethnic Minorities” was held in Osijek April 13th -16th 2010 in association with Nansen Dialogue Centre from Osijek as part of “STAREL - Awaiting the European Union: the Stabilisation of Intra-Ethnic and Inter-Religious Relations in the Western Balkans” project funded by the European Union. The conference attended over 40 representatives of civil society, religious communities, ethnic majorities and minorities, local authorities, journalists, teachers and professors, including religious teachers, peace activists, and local political activists divided into four groups, discussing the role of civil society and religious communities in strengthening the position of ethnic minorities on a local level.
In 2000, CIRel initiated the practice of promotion modern, multi-confessional, multicultural, democratic society by organising public round tables, presenting religious life and advocating further development of tolerance and joint life for peace building on the territory of former Yugoslavia.
The Conference “Churches and Religious Communities and Civil Society for Empowerment of Human Rights and Democracy in Serbia“ is conducted in Vrnjačka Banja from 25th to 28th March 2009 in the partnership with the Christian Cultural Centre, within the Project “Strengthening Religious and Human Rights for Democratic Serbia”, supported by the Delegation of European Commission in Serbia trough the Programme “European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights“ (EIDHR).
Promotion of the book "Women, Religion, Politics" of Islamic theologian Ms Zilka Spahic Siljak in International Press Centre of TANJUG (Serbian press agency) 25th November 2008, supported by the Fondation Konrad Adenauer
Centre for Career Guidance and Counselling of Belgrade Open School has initiated the project „Better Public Administration through Internship Placement“ in order to additionally strengthen management capacity of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and its’ Ministries. The project deals with the implementation of a specific program of internship intended to public institutions in the Republic of Serbia, through the engagement of young talented professionals who can enhance the work of individual sectors. Two public calls for applications were announced during the project for 17 defined positions. A total of over 1600 applications for defined positions were received. After selection process, 17 talented young professionals were chosen and linked with 16 mentors form the public institutions. Benefits of this program proofed to be numerous. Institutions participating in the program get reinforcement, i.e. young and competent professionals, without overburdening the budget of the Republic of Serbia. On the other hand, the interns, apart from gaining work experience and receiving financial incentives, improved their knowledge and skills through 13 trainings. Also, they received career counselling services that enabled them to resolve their career dilemmas and to learn how to estimate their own personal and professional capacities. Mentors involved in the project have been further strengthened through education on the mentoring process. After the end of internship, 10 interns had employment in the private or public sectors.
Within the project “Career that Fits Youth - Capacity building of Youth Offices for delivery of services and measuring the effects of career guidance and counselling on employability” Youth Offices in Kragujevac, Loznica, Nis, Novi Pazar and Novi Sad were empowered to deliver and measure the effects of career guidance and counselling of young people. An initial three-day meeting and training for career informers and counsellors of 5 Youth Offices were successfully organized (average score of training evaluation was 4,92/5). Throughout the project, Youth Office representatives were also provided with professional mentoring. 96 career workshops were organized for 224 youngsters at 9 Youth Offices (63 career workshops for experimental and 33 workshops for control group). Also, 33 individual counselling sessions and 12 group counselling sessions for 101 young persons were organized at 5 Youth Offices. 164 youngsters from 9 local communities were informed about career and active job searching. Methodologically valid indicators and appropriate measuring instruments were developed to measure career guidance and counselling effects on the employability of 152 youngsters. 575.326 youngsters saw and 6.562 of them clicked on some of the project adverts on Facebook. Modern softer solution for continuous monitoring of the process and effects of career guidance and counselling was also established. Data about the effects of career guidance and counselling services on the employability of young people and differences in the level of employability (77 youngsters from experimental and 75 from control group) were collected and analysed. Project was implemented with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sport.
Within the project „Occupied by Future Occupation“ a two-day training for 21 teachers and professional staff (two representatives from 10 schools and one representative from Ministry of Education, Science and Technological development of Republic of Serbia) was organized. Trained teams of teachers/professional staff organized 23 career informing workshops and 17 job shadowing visits. BOS team organized 8 monitoring visits. Virtual Fair of Occupations has been launched within the portal So far, Virtual Fair of Occupations visited more than 2990 people. Teachers’ experience gained during realization of the project provided creation of Recommendations for creation of Career Guidance and Counselling Programme in High School. Implementation of the project activities was supported by Solidar Suisse / Swiss Labour Assistance (SLA) - Office in Serbia.
Accredited training of teachers as part of the project „Occupied by Future Occupation” was realized on August, 11-13 2013 in Kovacica. 20 teachers and professional staff from schools and 1 representative from the Ministry of education, science and technological development participated. Following topics were covered: traditional and modern concept of career, OMOT model, Strategy of career guidance and counselling and Guidance and counselling Programme model in high schools, examples of best practise in USA, EU and Serbia, active job search, workshops that encourage students and promote self-acquaintance. The training course is realized by the support of Solidar Suisse - office in Serbia.
During the project "Development of Career Guidance and Counseling Services through Inter-municipal Cooperation Mechanisms" a total of 93 activities which involved over 1680 young people aged 15-19 years were realized. An excellent media coverage of the project by the local and national media was provided. In total 2800 specially designed leaflets with information on career services provided by different institutions at the local level were created. Local self-governments have supported local mobile teams. In collaboration with members of the LMT's and experts in the field of career counselling a model of career services for youth in the youth offices is written. The project was implemented with the financial support from USAID Sustainable Local Development Project.
Public competition for all interested teachers and professional staff for a two-day training on career guidance and counselling by a programme accredited by the Institute for the Advancement of Education was announced on June 21, 2013 within the project "Occupied by Future Occupation" funded by Solidar Suisse.
Research on the usage of computer games for learning was conducted in 7 European countries within the project "Serious Games for Social and Creative Competencies“ funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the EU. In total 873 questionnaires were filled.
Job shadowing visits for high school students from Vranje, Kikinda and Sjenica were organized: Vranje 31 students within 17 visits, Kikinda 12 students within 5 visits and Sjenica 36 students within 3 visits within the project "Development of Career Guidance and Counseling Services through Inter-municipal Cooperation Mechanisms".
Round tables for high school students and employers were organized in Novi Pazar on April 10 and in Vranje on June 07, 2013. The sessions were organized by local mobile teams for career guidance and counselling Vranje and Novi Pazar, which operate under the project "Development of Career Guidance and Counseling Services through Inter-municipal Cooperation Mechanisms" On the roundtables, participants (high school students, teachers, employers, national employment and other stakeholders) shared information that will contribute to better mutual understanding and aligning expectations with each other.
Training of mentors as part of the "Better public administration through internship placement" was delivered on June 18 2013 in the premises of Belgrade Open School. The training was held by experts in the field of mentoring Darko Tot, the director of Mentor plus Ltd. and the president of Consulteam Olga Svoboda. Topics covered include: the methodology of mentoring, the mentor-mentee relationship and learning needs of interns, evaluation of the learning process, procedures and reporting on the progress of the internship, ...
Interns for 15 paid internships in government agencies and institutions of the Republic of Serbia selected and placed on the positions.
Student debate was organized at the Cultural Center Kikinda on April 06, 2013, on the topic "Public or private faculties?" by the local mobile team for career guidance and counselling Kikinda. The debate was conducted within the project "Development of career guidance and counselling services through the mechanisms of inter-municipal co-operation", conducted by the Belgrade Open School, and funded by USAID Sustainable Local Development Project.
Public competition for 15 paid internships in government agencies and institutions of the Republic of Serbia was announces on March 18, 2013, as part of the project "Better public administration through internship placement" funded by USAID Business Enabling Project. The competition was open to motivated young professionals who wish to gain experience through practice in state bodies and institutions of the Republic of Serbia. Over 1300 applications were received (including late and applications with incomplete documentation - a total of 200). 100 candidates were tested, while 70 were invited to the interviews.
Promotions of local mobile teams for career guidance and counselling were held in Bujanovac, Vladicin Han, Kikinda and Novi Pazar during January and February 2013 in order to introduce the interested public to the institutions that provide career guidance and counselling at the local level, and visitors were, also, introduced to the types of services offered, and the time and place where a particular service can be obtained.
A total of 12 peer workshops of career informing, with around 190 participants, were held for young people in 10 cities and municipalities in Serbia. The workshops were organized by the Career Guidance and Counseling Center of the Belgrade Open School and local youth offices from Svilajnac, Backa Palanka, Indjija, Bujanovac, Sjenica, Apatin, Svrljig, Sremska Mitrovica, Stara Pazova and Kikinda. Participation in these workshops enabled young people to learn more about career development, job search, preparation of CVs and for job interviews, business communication, and other important topics. They had the opportunity to learn from their peers, through workshops, for free. The workshops were held within the project Career Calls You, in December 2012 and February 2013.
The initial meeting and training within the project "Development of Career Guidance and Counseling Services through Inter-municipal Cooperation Mechanisms", which marked the successful beginning of the project activities. The meeting was held on Friday and Saturday, December 21 and 22, 2012 with the participation of 10 representatives from local mobile teams for career guidance and counseling from 8 municipalities in Serbia and experts in the field of career guidance and counseling.
The training on career informing was delivered for 21 peer educators for career informing from 10 youth offices. Young people from Apatin, Backa Palanka, Bujanovac, Indjija, Kikinda, Sjenica, Sremska Mitrovica, Stara Pazova, Svilajnac and Svrljig, who have been trained, will continue to provide information, support and guidance regarding career planning and needs of the labor market in Serbia to peers in their communities. The training was organized within the project "Career Calls You" on November 26-28, 2012 in Belgrade with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia.
An international training course - Better Employability for Minority Youth was delivered in Becej, from October 15-22, 2012, with the aim to contribute to facing the challenges of youth participation in labor market, especially for those youth from minority groups. The Training gathered 28 participants and 5 expert and support staff from EU and SEE countries: Macedonia, Turkey, Latvia, Finland, Italy, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A three-day Consultative workshop on social dialogue and social partners, September 3-5, 2012 in Nis was held within the project A window of new opportunities - improving the capability of REDC for enhancing the entrepreneurship and competitiveness in Nisava District which is implemented by the Municipality of Nis Mediana with the professional support of BOS. The workshop was delivered by Natasa Cupac Pavlovski - Adviser in the Department of Legal Affairs and Social Dialogue of the Serbian Association of Employers and Jelena Manic - coordinator of the Career Guidance and Counseling Centre of BOS. This project is supported by Local Economic Development in the Balkans (LEDIB).
A two-day training for young people of Becej on peer career informing was delivered by the team of the Career Guidance and Counselling Centre. The training was realised in july 2012 within the project Becej Career Academy, which is implemented by the Youth Office Becej and Becej Youth Union, with support from UN Project Youth Employement and Migration and professional support from BOS. The training was organized for 17 young people, future career informers, and is accompanied by an online training and monitoring of their activities aimed at youth informing.
Page on Entrepreneurship was launched in july 2012 within the online system for young people that provides guidance and assistance - BOS Career. The page offers users the opportunity to do the test of entrepreneurship, read interviews about the experiences of young entrepreneurs and articles on what is needed for a career in this direction. This page was created through the project "Entrepreneurial & Career-Wised Youth in Serbia", financed by the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade.
A Guide to Career Planning is published. This guide is the result of work of the professional team of Belgrade Open School within the project Expert and Technical Support for Career Guidance and Counselling of Young Talents and the Implementation of Strategy of Career Guidance and Counselling, funded by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the republic of Serbia. The presentation of the Guide was held on April 12, 2012 in the Cultural Center Dom omladine Belgrade (DOB).
13 more workshops for Professional Development of the scolars of the Fund for Young Talents of the Republic of Serbiawere held from February 22, to March 29, 2012. The workshops were organized in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Nis, and gathered over 270 participants.
Recommendations on the further development of career informing in youth offices that aims to contribute to the further development of systems to support young people in planning and managing their careers, and in accordance with the Strategy for Career Guidance and Counseling in the Republic of Serbia. The recommendations were adopted in the framework of the Round Table dedicated to career informing in youth offices that was held in Vranje, on March 28, 2012. The Round Table was organized jointly by the Belgrade Open School, Youth Office Vranje for and joint programs of the United Nations - The maintenance of peace and inclusive local development (PBILD) and Youth Employment and Migration (YEM).
Internet portal created by Belgrade Open School was presented as an example of one of the most successful portals on .rs domain within the Third Annual Conference on Development of the Internet – DIDS 2012 (Day of the Internet Domain of Serbia). The Conference was organized on March 22, 2012 in Belgrade by the Register of the National Internet Domain of Serbia (RNIDS).
The kick-off meeting of the Tempus project CareerS which marked the successful beginning of the project activities. The meeting was held on Monday and Tuesday, January 30 and 31, 2012.
3 Job shadowing programs for 8 participants of the project e-Career were organized. With the help of these job shadowings, young people had the opportunity to spend one day with: Radoslav Popov - Mehatronics Engineer of ICM electronics factory, Sanja Burg - Corporate Communications Manager of L'Oreal Balkan and TV presenter of TV Prva Marija Kilibarda. Participation in these programs allows young people to spend one day with a representative of a certain profession and learn from the first-hand what does one work day in that profession look like.
A total of 24 peer workshops on career informing were held within the project Career informers. In these workshops 289 young people were reached, of which 64 of them belong to vulnerable groups. Workshops were held in the following municipalities: Backi Petrovac, Bujanovac, Belgrade (Palilula), Bojnik, Lebane, Medvedja, Surdulica, Trgoviste,Temerin, Vladicin Han, Vlasotince and Vranje.
A total of 11 peer workshops of career informing, with around 170 participants, were held for young people aged 17-24 in 11 cities and municipalities in Serbia. The workshops were organized by the Career Guidance and Counseling Center of the Belgrade Open School and local youth offices from Bela Palanka, Nis, Blace, Kragujevac, Kikinda, Vrnjacka Banja, Zrenjanin, Novi Pazar, Obrenovac, Ruma and Belgrade. Participation in these workshops enabled young people to learn more about career development, job search, preparation of CVs and for job interviews, business communication, work ethics, and other important topics. They had the opportunity to learn from their peers, through workshops, for free. The workshops were held within the project e-Career.
A total of 37 workshops of professional development were delivered for the scholars of the Fund for young talents, which included over 530 participants. Workshops were held in the period since the establishment of the Center for career guidance and counseling of young talents in September 2010 until the end of the year 2011.
TV report on the training on career informing for activists of local youth offices under the project "e-Career" was broadcasted in the show ''Euronet" Radio Television of Serbia, on December 8, 2011. The training was organized for young activists from the Youth Offices of Obrenovac, Savski venac (Belgrade), Bela Palanka, Novi Pazar, Kikinda, Ruma, Blace, Zrenjanin, Kragujevac, Palilula (Nis) and Vrnjacka Banja. You can see the report here.
The training on career informing was delivered for 21 peer educators for career informing from 11 youth offices. Young people from Obrenovac, Belgrade, Bela Palanka, Novi Pazar, Kikinda, Ruma, Blace, Zrenjanin, Nis, Kragujevac and Vrnjacka Banja, who have been trained, will continue to provide information, support and guidance regarding career planning and needs of the labor market in Serbia to peers in their communities. The training was organized within the project "e-Career" on November 23-25, 2011 in Belgrade with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia.
Basic training on career guidance and counseling in vocational secondary schools was delivered for 20 selected participants (teachers/professors, expert associates, teaching associates). The program is accredited by the Institute for the Advancement of Education of the Republic of Serbia. The training was delivered on October 31 and November 1, 2011.
4-day training was delivered on peer career informing for 18 young activists - volunteers of Youth Offices from local youth offices of Vranje, Vlasotince, Bojnik, Trgoviste, Medvedja, Lebane and Surdulica, aiming to promote social inclusion and employability of young people in Serbia through capacity building of youth offices that provide services of career informing, as well as specific career guidance and counseling. The training was delivered from October 24 to 27, 2011 within the project Career informers. The project includes 12 youth offices and their 40 young volunteers.
Brochure "Career Informers" was published. This brochure is created within the project "Career informers", with the aim of promoting social inclusion and employability of young people in Serbia through capacity building of Youth Offices to provide peer career information services, as well as specific career guidance and counseling. The project is being implemented in 12 youth offices and reaches 40 young volunteers of the offices directly, and indirectly over 200 young people. For more information on the project see
Training course „ One step to work 2 “ was delivered in cooperation with Youth Club Novi Becej. Training course took place in Novi Becej, on October 7-9, 2011. 10 Local youth office representatives participated in this training course (Ada, Becej, Zrenjanin, Novi Becej and Stara Pazova).
An international training course - Easy Transit - Education to Work Transitions was delivered in Becej, from September 23 to 30, 2011, with the aim to contribute to the quality of support systems for youth through capacity building of youth organizations and their workers to avoid unemployment of young people through career information and guidance. The training course included the EU and South Eastern Europe countries (24 participants and 5 experts and support staff from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Italy, Spain and Turkey).
CV builder - another aid to young people in planning their career - was launched. This is a new online service to help young people with their career planning. The service, upon registration, gives user the opportunity to make a perfect resume in just a few minutes.
4-day training was delivered on peer career informing for young volunteers of Youth Offices for 21 young volunteers of 6 Youth Offices (Backi Petrovac, Bujanovac, Palilula (Belgrade), Temerin, Surdulica, and Vladicin Han). This training is organized as activity of the project "Career Informers" that is jointly immplemented by the Belgrade Open School, UNICEF in Serbia, and with sources of YEM and PBILD UN projects.
Brochure on Interships - for secondary VET schools and employers jonitly created and distributed by the Career Guidance and Counselling Centre of the BOS and Serbian Association of Employers. Brochure authors are Jelena Manic and Natasa Cupac Pavlovski. It is available in Serbian only and can be downloaded at This Brochure is funded through Community Connections Program, and by the USAID.
9 workshops for professional development of young talents, training 160 students who received scholarships from the Ministry of Youth and Sports` Fund for Young Talents. Workshops were held for the students of the Universities of Belgrade, Niš and Novi Sad. Beside workshops whose topics were related to CV, job interview, entrepreneurship, etc. the Centre organized 22 career counseling sessions for talented students. More information on Centres services can be found at project of the Centre for Career Guidance and Counselling of Young Talents is jointly implemented by the Ministry of Youth and Sport and Belgrade Open School.
Brochure "Your Career - Handbook for Career Planning and Youth Employment in Serbia" published as a result of the project "Career Academy". Beside the experts, young project participants from different Youth offices contributed with texts. Supported by Ministry of Youth and Sport, March 2010.
Web portal Mingl Career Profiles launched in order to help young people in Serbia to manage their career choices more easily and according to psychological standards of the career guidance and counseling process. Web adress is April 2010.
Several workshops held to young people from the Youth office of Cukarica municipality on topics related to career management through transition from secondary to tertiary education. April 2010.
60 teachers from 15 secondary schools of tourism and catering trained during 6 two day trainings in Belgrade Open School, about career guidance and counseling and introduction of its practices into the schools. Project is supported by USAID through DAI. January-April 2010. After trainings teachers transmitted their knowledge and skills toward 4221 students, 75 fellow teachers and 46 organized local activities.
Adopted Strategy for Career Guidance and Counseling in Serbia, as proposed by Ministry of Youth and Sport, on the meeting of Serbian Government held March, 4 2010. Initial text proposition for the Strategy was created in 2007, during the project of BOS Career Guidance and Counseling Center supported by CIDA.
Establishment of the Career Guidance and Counseling Center of the Fund for Young Talents, run by Serbian Ministry of Youth and Sport. BOS experts contributed to the establishment of the Center. November 2009.
CGCC Coordinator participated as a speaker on round table on employment, held on 3. 11. 2009. in Belgrade Architectonical Faculty, as a part of "Job Fair".
Two-day training "Career Planning and Active Job Search", for 26 young people in Loznica. Facilitated by trainers from CGCC. October 2009.
CGCC Coordinator participated in study visit program "Youth and Unemployment in Serbia". Program supported by USAID in Serbia was conducted in Chicago, USA, in March and April of 2009.
Workshops on the Career Guidance and Counselling Staretgy elelemts, public debate on above mentioned Strategy, conducted with participants of the project „Inclusive Strategy for Career Guidance and Counselling (CGC) Development in Serbia“, February 2008
Promotion of the Career Guidance and Counselling Strategy, conducted in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, December 2007
Second one day training (as a part of the project Inclusive Strategy for Career Guidance and Counselling(CGC) Development in Serbia) for 12 VET schools’ facilitators and 3 consultants from three Regional Centres, during wich they have been offered expert help in implementation of the key tasks from the CGC, but also in their work with other stakeholders and in the CGC and VET system reform in general, August 2007.
Last one day training (as a part of the project Inclusive Strategy for Career Guidance and Counselling(CGC) Development in Serbia) for 4 Regional centre consultants, during wich they have been offered expert knowledge and skills needed for establishment of the CGC Centre, August 2007.
One day training (as a part of the project Inclusive Strategy for Career Guidance and Counselling(CGC) Development in Serbia) for 12 VET schools’ facilitators and 3 consultants from three Regional Centres, during wich they have been offered expert help in implementation of the key tasks from the CGC, but also in their work with other stakeholders and in the CGC and VET system reform in general, May 2007
One day training (as a part of the project Inclusive Strategy for Career Guidance and Counselling(CGC) Development in Serbia) for 4 Regional centre consultants, during wich they have been offered expert knowledge and skills needed for establishment of the CGC Centre, May 2007
Ongoing project Inclusive Strategy for Career Guidance and Counselling(CGC) Development in Serbia, supported by CIDA, May 2007
Successful implementation of project The implementation of Career Guidance and Counselling Model within Vocational Education and Training in Serbia, on school/local level, supported bi CIDA, October 2006
Three-day training has been organized for the selected students of DAUS former generations in the field of career guiding and counseling, October 2006
One-day training in the field of career guiding and counseling has been organized for children in Center for social matters in Novi Sad, October 2006
Round Table “Career guidance and counselling – experience and recommendation" as the final activity of the project "The Implementation of Career Guidance and Counseling Model within Vocational Education and Training in Serbia, on school/local level" was held. The guests were deputy minister of Education and Sport and deputy minister of Labor, Employment and Social Policy. October 2006, Belgrade
The training for trainers “Career Guidance and Counselling within the VET System“ for 15 teachers from 10 vet schools from Serbia and 4 Regional Adult Education Centers. CGCC team conducted the training.
The training “Basics of Career Guidance and Counselling” for employees of Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, conducted by CGCC.
Completed implementation of the project “Establishing Career Guidance and Counselling centre at the Faculty of Economics” supported by OSI.
Completed implementation of the project “Developing Career Guidance and Counselling Model within the VET System in Serbia”, supported by EU trough the EAR.
Data base of 138 students of final year of food processing and agricultural secondary VET schools and 75 employers interested in active involvement in career guidance and counselling.
Presentation to professionals at the meeting “Promotion of youth employment in order to create National Action Plan for Youth Employment”, organized by the National Employment Service and the National Chamber of Commerce.
Presentation of one of its projects within the 53. Congress of Psychologists of Serbia.
The training “Career Guidance and Counselling within the VET System“ for 15 teachers from 4 Regional Adult Education Centres, conducted by CGCC:
Mr Chris Evans (UK) conducted training in career guidance and counselling for the CGCC team.
The Career Evening, organized for DAUS students, with guests: Ms. Jelena Sevo (USAID) and Mr. Zoran Skopljak (US Steel).
CGCC’s representative at the International Meeting “Lifelong Guidance: Trends and Perspectives” in Athens.
Career Guidance and Counselling Centre’s representatives visited 10 related organizations in Bulgaria, 15–20.11.2004, Sofia and Blagoevgrad.
- Webinar "Meet the CEU application procedure" was held on January 20th 2016 in the Belgrade Open School. Webinar attended 17 students interested in applying for the CEU.
- Presentation of programs offered at the Central European University for 2016/2017 academic year was held on December 28th 2015 in the Belgrade Open School. The presentation was attended by 25 students interested in programs offered at the CEU.
- More than 220 students from Serbia and Montenegro received full or partial scholarships for the MA or PhD programmes at the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, since 2003, and its still going;
- 160 students received additional financial support within both Soros and Global Supplementary Grant Program for PhD studies in or outside of Europe, since 2003 and its still going;
- 55 students received full scholarships for various programmes at the University of Oxford, from 2003, until 2011;
- 23 students received full scholarships for one year MA programmes at Cambridge University, from 2003, until 2013;
- 11 students received full scholarships for one year MA studies at the University College of London, from 2003, until 2010;
- 50 students received full scholarships for one year non-degree studies at liberal arts colleges in USA, from 2004, until 2011;
- 3 students received scholarships for undergraduate studies at the American University in Bulgaria, in a period 2003/2005.
Achievements of Centre for Development of Education
In November and December 2013 the results of the research on transparency of faculties in Serbia have been presented in four university centers – Novi Sad, Nis, Belgrade and Novi Pazar. The research is a part of the project “Raising Accountability of Universities in Serbia“.
As a part of the project “Raising Accountability of Universities in Serbia“, on 2013 CDE published “Transparentnost rada univerziteta” (Serbian language only)
As a part of the project “Anti-Corruption Student Network in South East Europe”, in 2013 CDE published “U Jugoistočnoj Evropi ništa novo”. English version is in the process of publishing.
Two round tables on corruption and the quality of higher education were organized on 21st and 22nd of February, 2013
Within the project “Anti-Corruption Student Network in South East Europe”, on Wednesday 13th of February 2013 CDE held conference “Together against corruption”
Within the project „Raising Accountability of Universities in Serbia“ on Friday 21st of December 2012 Centre for Development of Education has organized a press conference “The end of the universities”
The third meeting of Anti-corruption Student Network in South East Europe was held in Belgrade on 15th and 16th December 2012, and was hosted by CDE team
Centre for the Development of Education of Belgrade Open School participated in 15th International Anti-Corruption Conference in Brasilia
Anti-Corruption Student Network Meeting was held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in July 2012, and was attended by CDE team members
On May 31st and June 1st, Belgrade Open School’s Centre for the Development of Education has organized a two-day training course aimed for student representatives coming from various faculties of the University of Belgrade.
During April and May 2012, Belgrade Open School’s Centre for the Development of Education held a series of training courses aimed for student representatives coming from university centres in Nis, Novi Sad and Kragujevac.
Organized and conducted a panel discussion "Anti-corruption Activism and Students' Participation in Higher Education". The conference was organized within the project Raising Accountability of Universities in Serbia and it was held on March 29th – 30th 2012
Anti-Corruption Student Network Meeting was held in Skopje from 10th to 12th February 2012. Meeting was attended by members of CDE team.
Published "First Aid Kit for Higher Education - A Know How Guide for Student Research”, 2011
Conducted panel discussion "Corruption in Higher Education in Serbia and How to Prevent It" with presentation of four-year monitoring study and key findings on corruption in higher education in Serbia, conducted on a representative sample of the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, September 2011
Organized and conducted monitoring researches through questionnaires, interviews, focus groups and requests for access to public information about: financial flows, cheating, bribery, textbooks and private tutoring at universities, academic 2010/11
Organized and conducted elective module "Research Workshops" for students of the Multi-disciplinary undergraduate studies, academic 2010/11
Organized and conducted monitoring researches through questionnaires, interviews, focus groups and requests for access to public information about: textbooks, bribery, preparation for admition and enrollment to faculties, academic 2009/10
Created website of Anti-Corruption Student Network in Southeastern Europe –, 2009
Organized and conducted elective module "Research Workshops" for students of the Multi-disciplinary undergraduate studies, academic 2009/10
Organized and conducted monitoring researches through questionnaires, interviews, focus groups and requests for access to public information on: student fees, preparatory classes and enrollment to faculties, academic 2008/09
Organized and conducted elective module "Research Workshops" for students of the Multi-disciplinary undergraduate studies, academic 2008/09
Published eight issue of magazine “Education and Development 08”, 2008
Organized and conducted monitoring researches through questionnaires, interviews, focus groups and requests for access to public information on financial flows and cheating at faculties, academic year 2007/08
Organized and conducted elective module "Research Workshops" for students of the Multi-disciplinary undergraduate studies, academic year 2007/08
Published seventh issue of magazine “Education and Development 07”, 2007
Established seven monitoring teams and carried out researches on the following topics: Disciplinary responsibility of students and professors, the European Credit Transfer System, Comparing public and private funded faculties, Students' motivation and activism, Funding and finances of faculties, the Ombudsman, and Distribution, accessibility and transparency of information, academic 2006/07
The project "Education Reform in Serbia: National Council for Vocational Education" by public advocacy. The project supported the establishment of the National Council for Education, 2006 – 2009
Organized and conducted elective module "Research Workshops" for students of the General and the EU and the Balkans Program, the academic 2006/07
Adopting suggested measures on introducing University Ombudsperson, beside other inputs made in the University of Belgrade Statute – article 58, Belgrade, 2006
In the period 2006 -2010, CDE developed cooperation and provided its expertise to European Training Foundation – ETF) for its activities in Serbia. In 2006, four projects were successfully implemented in the framework of this cooperation: “Transition from education to work”, “Providing expertise in the field of statistics”, “Spreading information on policies of European Union in the field of secondary vocational training and good practice of Western Balkans and candidate countries” and “Key competences for Life Long Learning in Serbia“.
Published sixth issue of magazine “Education and Development 06”, 2006
Published fifth issue of magazine “Education and Development 05”, 2006
First national seminar of all student vice-deans of all state universities on realization of national anti-corruption strategy, Banja Vrujci, December 2005
Press conference and Round Table “University strategy for fight against corruption and Action plan for the education are within National strategy for fight against corruption” in Media Center with Rector Dejan Popovic, Education Minister Deputy Emilija Stankovic, Justice Minister Deputy Aleksandra Popovic and Commissioner for access to public information Rodoljub Sabic, Belgrade, December 2005
Published fourth issue of magazine “Education and Development 04”, November 2005
Organized campaign “Right to the right” on anti-corruption mechanisms and series of trainings for over 300 activists of Student Union of Serbia and other student organizations, fall 2005
Press conference: “Proposal for addition to the National strategy for fight against corruption” for education in support of Syndical organization of workers “Nezavisnost” (“Independence”), Belgrade, July 14th, 2005
EXIT Corruption“campaign at EXIT festival, Novi Sad, July 6th – 9th, 2005
Promo campaign ITS ROTTEN on Ada Sport Fest, Belgrade, June 20 – 22nd, 2005.
Promo campaign ITS ROTTEN and implementation of an inquiry among young people at Vybe festival in Belgrade, May 29th 2005
Four round tables and presentations of research under auspices of Rectorates of Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis and Kragujevac Universities, May-June 2005
Promotion panel with President of Serbia Boris Tadic on Faculty of Philology, Belgrade, May 27th, 2005
Published third issue of magazine “Education and Development”, 2005
Press conference: presentation of research results with the Minister of Education and Sports Slobodan Vuksanovic and Dean of Faculty of Economy Branislav Pelevic, Belgrade, May 17, 2005.
Published second issue of magazine “Education and Development 02”, 2005
Published first issue of magazine “Education and Development 01”, March 2005
Expanding the Network on organizations from Albania and Macedonia, May 2004
Conducting and analysis of research on perception of student on corruption at Universities in Serbia and in the region, September 2003 – May 2004
Developing regional questionnaire and research on students perception of corruption at universities in Serbia and in the region, February – September 2003
Forming of Anti-Corruption Student Network in South East Europe, February 2003
Research study "Vocational Secondary Education and Training in Serbia: Preliminary study and survey" and "Current Thinking and Proposals for the Reform of Professional Education and Training", July-August 2001
Round table: "Alternative Education, NGOs and Democratization of Serbia", June 2001
"Awaiting the European Union: the stabilisation of Inter-Ethnic and Inter-Religious Relations in the Western Balkans", collection of participants' lecturers' and conference participants' papers within STAREL, 2011.
Collection of essays of participants of C ePIT's three online programmes: European Integration, Globalisation, Democratic Society, 2004.
Collection of Students' Essays (generation 2002/03), 2004.
BOS 10 Year Anniversary Monograph, 2003.
Collection of essays of CIREL's second Summer School lecturers and participants: "Religious Dialogue: Drama of Understanding", 2003.
Collection of Students' Essays (generation 2001/02), 2003.
Academic Writing – A Concise Guide for Students in Central and Eastern Europe, 2003.
Project Citizen, teachers' guide, 2002.
Project Citizen, student's textbook, 2002.
Collection of Students' Essays (generation 2000/01), 2002.
Prospectus Belgrade Open School, 2002.
"Self-esteem and Authoritarianism", Lazar Maricevic, former BOS student and BOS Psychologist and Educational Coordinator, 2001.
Collection of Students' Essays (generation 1999/00), 2001.
The second issue of the magazine "Eurotransition", 2001.
The first issue of the magazine "Eurotransition", 2001.
"British Perceptions of Serbia and the Balkans 1903 – 1906", Slobodan Markovich, MPhil thesis, former BOS student and BOS Programme Co-ordinator, February 2001
The Dictionary of Economic Terms, March 2000
Students' magazine of the Belgrade Open School "Argonaut", March 2000
Collection of Students' Essays (generation 1998/99), March 2000
BOS Prospectus 1999/00
The project "Atlas – Consequences of the War in Yugoslavia", in co-operation with Alternative Academic Educational Network, Belgrade, April-May 1999
The Collection of Essays of BOS students (generations 1995/96, 1996/97, 1997/98) March 1999
The Collection of Selected Lectures, generation 1994/95
The Collection of Students’ Essays, generation 1994/95
In the second phase of the project "Raisinig Accountabilty in Universities of Serbia", CDE published "Transparentnost univerziteta u Srbiji" (available only on Serbian language);
CD with material from the module EUROPEAN INTEGRATION, Educational Programme "PolitiKAS" academic 2011/2012
CD with video material a from the seminar "New Leaders – New Opportunities", Vrnjačka Banja 21 – 25.08.2011.
CD Civil society and environmental policy in Serbia ADOPTION OF VALUES AND PROMOTION OF DIALOGUE
CD The training program of the state administration in the field of European integration Basis of the EU political system March to May 2011
CD Waiting for the European Union: Stabilization inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations in the Western Balkans
CD with video material from the program "Strengthening the leadership potential of young Romani in Serbia"
CD STAREL Project: Stabilization of inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations in the Western Balkans, October 2010 – January 2011
CD Religions of the Balkans – meetings and permeation Project: Waiting for the European Union: the stabilization of inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations in the Western Balkans (STAREL)
CD BELGRADE INVOLVED Shaping local development policies in the European integration process more proactive and responsible action of civil society June-December 2010.
CD Project: Waiting for the European Union: stabilization of inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations in the Western Balkans (STAREL), Bečići, 05 - 11 09.2010.
CD Fundamentals of EU policies and public administration training program in the field of European integration from May to June 2010
CD School of Tolerance: ethnic and religious communities in promoting minors' rights. PROJECT: waiting for the European Union: the stabilization of inter-ethnic relations and inter-religious in the Western Balkans (STAREL)
CD Partnership for European integration in local communities December 2009 – October 2010
CD European integration and local development policies in Serbia
CD The training program of the state administration – the EU law and procedure
CD with video material a from the seminar Winter School in Ecka 21 – 24. December 2009
CD with material from the module EUROPEAN INTEGRATION, Educational Programme "PolitiKAS" academic 2009/2010
CD with video material a from the seminar "New Leaders – New Opportunities", Palic 12 – 18. July 2009.
CD with video material from the seminar "YOUNG LEADERS FOR EUROPEAN AND BALKAN" Porec, 3-9.06.2009
CD The training program of the state administration – the EU law and procedure
CD The training program of the state administration – the EU law and procedure
CD Virtual School for high school students of the year 2009
CD The training program of the state administration – the EU law and procedure
CD with video material from the seminar "New Leaders – New Opportunities" held at Palic July 2008
CD with video material from the seminar "Young leaders for a European Balkans", held at Rabac June 2008
CD The training program of the state administration in the field of European integration – EU Law and Procedure
CD The training program of the state administration – the law and procedure of EU
CD Religions of Serbia – network of dialogue and cooperation – Proceedings
CD Training Program: Perspectives of European Serbia: Association and Accession Path towards EU Membership – October 2008
CD with video material from the seminar "1968 – 40 years after" held in Rabac October 2008.
CD Writing of policy and advocacy skills for the leaders of Romani NGOs
CD The training program of the state administration – Institutions, procedures and law in the EU 2008
CD School of Tolerance "Ethnic and religious communities in the transition period", February 2008.
CD The training program of the state administration – Sectoral Policies in the EU 2008
CD Digital chrestomathy
CD School of Tolerance "Ethnic and religious communities in the transition period" 2008.
CD Internet and the public sphere in Serbia, 2007
CD Capacity Building Training for Youth Democratic Party of Serbia "Teamwork" 2007.
CD with video material from the seminar "Religions of Serbia: Encounters and permeation" held in Novi Sad December 2007.
CD with video material from the "Regional school of democracy" held at Palic July 2007.
CD with video material from the seminar "Religions of Serbia: Encounters and permeation" held at Palic August 2007.
CD with video material from the seminar "Education for Democracy" held at Rabac 2007
CD Capacity building of young political elite in Serbia: Training for European Integration – Procedures and the Law of the European Union
CD School of Tolerance "Ethnic and religious communities in the transition period" May to July 2007
CD The training program of the state administration – Institutions, procedures and law in the EU 2007
CD The training program of the state administration – Sectoral Policies in the EU in 2007
CD School of Tolerance "Ethnic and religious communities in the transition period" May to July 2007
CD Digital chrestomathy
CD with materials for the "School of Tolerance" December 2006.
CD with video material from the seminar "Training for writing proposals for Policy VIII" held at Zlatibor March 2006.
CD with video material from the mentoring workshop, "Expanding the Information Society in the Western Balkans", held in Belgrade February 2006.
CD Work plan of Seminar "Knowledge of self" held in Belgrade in March 2006.
CD The training program of the state administration – Institutions, procedures and law in the EU 2006
CD The training program of the state administration – Sectoral Policies 2006
CD e-volucija 2005 – Network of cyberfeminism, Language and Information-communication technologies, online behavior
CD with video material from the seminar "Training for writing proposals for Policy VII" held at Zlatibor, October 2005.
CD with video material from the seminar "Training for writing proposals for Policy VI" held at Zlatibor, October 2005.
CD Discussions about Europe, Belgrade Open School, Belgrade, 2005.
CD European Union – Guide for Youth, Belgrade Open School, Belgrade, 2005.
CD with video material from the seminar "Training for writing proposals for practical policy V" held in Čortanovci June 2005.
CD with video material from the seminar "Training for writing proposals for practical policy IV" held in Čortanovci June 2005.
CD with video material from the seminar "The road to democracy through effective policy" held in Kanjiža in September 2005.
CD The European Union and the Balkans – Belgrade Open School, DAUS academic 2004/2005.
CD with video material a from the seminar Education for Democracy, held in Opatija, June 2005
CD Collection of Essays of the Belgrade Open School – students' essays, generation 2003/2004
CD Publications of Cirel – Centre for Religious Studies: essays from conferences, summerschools and web site „Faith – Knowledge – Peace“
CD with video material of online school European Integration 2004
CD Centre for Religious Studies – Religious Dialogue in the Balkans: the Drama of Understanding
CD with video material from the training "Policy Paper Writing III" held in Palic in November 2004
CD European Integration educational programme for public administration – Procedures and Law of the European Union
CD European Integration educational programme for public administration – Sectoral Policies of the European Union
CD European Integration educational programme for public administration – Harmonisation of Legislature of the Republic of Serbia With the Legal System of the European Union
CD with video material from the training "Policy Paper Writing II" held on Kopaonik in November 2004
CD with video material from the training "Policy Paper Writing I" held on Kopaonik in November 2004
CD with video material from the seminar Team building IV, held on Kopaonik in October 2004
CD ROM with video material from the seminar Team building III, held in Vrnjačka Banja in September/October 2004
CD with video material and photographs from the seminar Education for Democracy, held in May – June 2004, September 2004
CD with video material and photographs from the seminar Team building II, held in May 2004, July 2004
CD with video material from the seminar "Effective Policy Papers to Influence Decision Making", held on Zlatibor in June 2004
5th issue of the on-line magazine "e-volution", June 2004
CD with video material and photographs from the seminar Team building I, held in February 2004, June 2004
CD with video material and photographs from the seminar "Religions of the Balkans: Dialogue and Reconciliation", held in March 2004, May 2004
CD with video material from the seminar Team building V, held in Kanjiza, May 2004
CD with video material and photographs from the Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Belgrade Open School, February 2004
CD with final material from virtual school "European Integrations", January 2004
CD with final material from virtual school "Little School of Journalism", January 2004
CD with the Centre for Religious Studies three collection of essays: "Inter-Religious Dialogue As a Way of Reconciliation in South Eastern Europe", "Religions of the Balkans: Encounters and Interweaving", "Religious Dialogue: Drama of Understanding", March 2004
CD with video material from the third regional summer school "Religions of the Balkans: Encounters and interweaving", held in Kikinda in September 2003, December 2003
CD of 30 minutes movie "BOS – 10 years", recorded in November 2003
CD with video material from the "Religions of the Balkans: Experiences and Perspectives" second follow-up seminar of the second regional summer school, held in Budva in May 2003, November 2003
CD with video material from the "Religions of the Balkans: Dialogue and Reconciliation" first follow-up seminar of the second regional summer school, held in Novi Pazar in February 2003.
CD edition of the research study "Internet Survey: Belgrade 2002 – Internet Users in Belgrade", November 2003
CD with preparation material from virtual school "European Integrations", October 2003
CD with preparation material from virtual school "Little School of Journalism", October 2003
CD with video material from the second regional summer school "Religions of the Balkans: Encounters and interweaving", held in Palic in June 2003
CD with video material from the promotion of the BOS publications, May 2003
CD with complete material from virtual school "Aspects of Globalisation", April 2003
CD with complete material from virtual school "What is a Democratic State", April 2003
CD with complete material from virtual schools 'The Foundations of Democracy" and "Serbia in Transition", March 2003
CD with video material from three seminars on Team Building for activists of People's movement Otpor!, February 2003
CD with video material from the seminar NGO Management, organized together with OSCE for members of Ecological NGOs from Vojvodina, in May 2002
CD with video material a from the seminar Education for Democracy, held in Mostar, July 2002
The third issue of the magazine "Eurotranzicija" (, September 2001