Belgrade Open School Web Archive Until 2016
Think Tank Fund Support to Belgrade Open School
Service Contract “Visit to European Union Institutions and Member States”
Civil Society for European Integration
Community Power
Res Publica
WEBWORK - Western Balkan youth WORK(s) for youth Employability
PRAKSAM - Introducing young people to the world of work through internship placements
MUSTRA III – Model of harmonizing the education system with the labour market – Advocacy campaign for implementation of the recommendations from the policy papers
Advocacy for Continuity in Implementation of the Policy for Career Guidance in Serbia - KViS na BIS
Local Transparency Booster: Raising Accountability and Prevention of Corruption in Local Governments
Future Studies
P4CSO: Policy Paper Writing for Civil Society Organisations
Let’s Speak about the Negotiations - the Active Participation of Civil Society in the EU Negotiation Process
Strengthening capacities of Industry Syndicate of Serbia for acting in Policy Networks
Follow-up program ''Education of the culture of remembrance - the study of Holocaust in Serbia''
ReEnergy – Towards Local Sustainable Energy Planning
Vera, znanje, mir
Call for Scholarship MA PhD
Educational programme "PolitiKAS"
Career Profiles
Mingl - Youth News Desk
Institutional support to the Belgrade Open School from the "Europe for Citizens" Programme of the European Union