PolitiKAS: Special lecture "Germany in the EU"

Participants of the seventh generation of the educational program "PolitiKAS" on Tuesday, November 24th had the opportunity to attend a special lecture by Mr. Alexander Jung, head of the Political Department and the Permanent Deputy Ambassador, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Belgrade.

The participants were welcomed by the Head of the module of the program, Vladimir Pavlovic, who presented the lecturer, welcomed the participants and attendees and opened the lecture.

Besides students the lecture was attended by director of the office Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Belgrade, Mr. Norbert Beckmann Dierkes together with Mrs. Gordana Pilipovic.

Mr. Jung talked with the students on the topic "Germany in the European Union" where he presented in an interesting way the position of Germany in the European Union, its relationship with other European countries and the countries of the international community, but also the standing of Germany to the current issues in the international community . The lecturer also reflected on the position of Serbia, taking into account, above all, its European path.

Participants had the opportunity to obtain comprehensive and useful answers to all the questions that were related this topic in a very active discussion.

27. Nov 2015.