Implemented Projects

ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society Organisations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform

Overall objective is to support cooperation between CSOs and local public administration for systematic and effective cooperation in policy formulations and decision making process.

Specific objectives are:

1) to develop institutionalised, result–oriented dialogue for reinforcing the role of civil society in local community development;

2) to improve local CSOs granting procedures adjusted to needs and strategic priorities of local communities;

3) to increase the role of CSOs in improving transparency and accountability of local public administration in effective management of local public funds assigned for civil society. 

Project “ReForce – Reinforcing the Role of Civil Society organisations in Community Development and Public Administration Reform” consists of following activities:

  1. Development of Cost Effectiveness Analysis;
  2. Advanced Capacity Building Programme Inclusive Policy Making at Local Level;
  3. Development of E-Services for Community Development;
  4. Advocacy Initiatives “Supporting Institutionalised Dialogue”
    4.1. Consultative Dialogue;
    4.2. Advocacy Campaigns in Five Municipalities;
    4.3. Implementation of Grant Support to Grass Roots Initiatives (Grant Support Scheme)

Partner on the Project is the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities and project associates are Agency for European Integrations and Cooperation with Civil Society and Regional Development Agency Zlatibor.

The project is financed by the Delegation European Union of Serbia under the Support to Civil Society Facility 2012 and the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society of the Republic of Serbia. Project will be implemented from November 28th, 2013 to January 28th, 2015.
