Implemented Projects

Energy Transparency – the path to sustainable development and energy poverty reduction through improving the transparency and accountability of local self-government

Energy Transparency  Project improves code of conduct of public institutions on the local level regarding energy management through enhancement of civic participation in energy and environmental decision making and providing innovative, green and cost-effective solutions for energy production and consumption on the local level in the Republic of Serbia. Project will develop mechanisms for monitoring of energy policy development, energy production and consumption, based on analyses of energy balance sheets and capital investments in three selected municipalities in Serbia (Vrbas, Priboj, Trstenik). Project contributes to the reduction of energy poverty and support transformation towards low-carbon economy in Serbia.    


1. Energy balance analyses and factsheets development

Research unit within Project Team will be established with task to analyze process of energy balance sheet development in three selected municipalities. The background of energy balance development will be analyzed: possibility for public access to information and documents, management of district heating, sustainability of energy production and consumption.

2. Policy analyses of capital investment in energy sector on the local level – cost effectiveness in construction, district heating and transparency in the performance of the public authorities and public enterprises

Through these particular activities project team will:

- develop a list of documents that contain information of public importance and will advocate in order to make them publicly available on the web sites of targeted municipality;

- develop and publish guidelines for monitoring and watchdogging of energy management in local municipalities;

- develop analyses of the energy balances development and energy management in selected local municipalities.       

The project is financed by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.

Project period and venue:

Belgrade, Vrbas, Priboj, Trstenik, from May to November 2014
