28. Jun 2012.

The session of National Convent on EU about financing environmental policy in Serbia was held

The session of National Convent on European Union work group about environmental policy financing was held on Tuesday, 26th of June 2012 in Republic of Serbia National Parliament within “Know how to act” project. The project is realizing European movement in Serbia and Belgrade open school in partnership with Centre for civil society development PROTECTA and UNECOOP.

On session it was discussed about unsustainability of present system of financing environmental policy in Serbia and practical problems in functioning of Republic of Serbia Environment protection fund and local eco funds. Insufficient cooperation of local self-government with Republic of Serbia Environment protection fund, as well as insufficient involvement of civil society organizations and business sector in this area, are just some of the challenges which were identified as barriers in establishing efficient and effective system of environmental policy financing in Serbia. Particular attention was dedicated to mutual compatibility of eco funds and to transparency of their work.

Concrete prepositions and recommendations for improvement of environmental policy financing system on local and national level, concluded in National convent, will be shaped afterwards and distributed to the other actors relevant for creating processes and implementation of environmental policy in Serbia in form of policy brief.
