31. Aug 2012.

Finished a two-year training cycle on the project SA4EU2

The project "Strengthening Capacity of Serbian Administration for EU Accession", implemented by the Belgrade Open School and the Office for European Integration of the Republic of Serbia in November 2010. was extended for another four months and will continue until October 2012.

The projected activities implemented in the latest round of training education program "Project Cycle Management in projects funded by the EU" in the period 27th – 30th August 2012. year.

Training program participants passed the 29 students and employees in the central government, local governments, the Executive Council AP Vojvodina and other public institutions, which are in their daily work involved in the management of the project cycle of projects financed by the EU and local socio-economic in the process of European integration of the Republic of Serbia.

Implementation of this educational program over a two-year training cycle of the project.
