Held a series of roundtable discussions on the process of negotiation of the EU acquis
Center for European Integration of Belgrade Open School and the Office for European Integration of the Republic of Serbia organized a series of roundtable discussions on the process of negotiation of the acquis into the framework of the project "Strengthening Capacity of Serbian Administration for EU Accession"
10th and 11th September at the Office for European Integration of the Republic of Serbia, there was talk of negotiation chapter 27 - Protection of the environment. Experience and advice from the process of negotiation representatives of state administration of the Republic of Serbia have transferred their colleagues from Croatia, a group leader for the above negotiation chapter dr Nikola Mikulić and Edvard Pucko.
While the 12th and 13th September was dedicated to negotiating Chapter 8 - Protection of Competition. The two-day discussion group leader for Chapter 8, Marijana List, spoke about the biggest challenges that Croatia had in this area and what are the steps that Serbia should expect on its way to European Union.
The next roundtable negotiations related to the acquis will be held 4th and 5th October 2012. year for Chapter 28 - Protection of consumers.