31. Oct 2012.

Signed the first Charter of the Energy Efficiency

Representatives of Kragujevac, Cacak, Paracin, Arandjelovac, Topola, Raca, Lapovo, Trstenik, Varvarin and Rekovac signed a Charter of energy efficiency with the representatives of the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities and with United Nations Development Programme.

In this way, local governments have expressed support for the policy of energy efficiency and renewable energy.

In the City Council it held a regional forum called "Energy aware and efficient'' in tin whose work involved representatives of Kragujevac, Cacak and 15 other municipalities in Serbia on October 30th 2012.

The City of Kragujevac is the first signatory of such a Charter in Serbia.

Forum "Energy - aware and effective" support of the United Nations Development Programme under a project organized by the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities and the Belgrade Open School.

The plan is to maintain three such forums in Serbia and one of the goals is to better inform the local authorities about the responsibilities and legal obligations in the field of rational use of energy.

The project has aim to rais awareness about the importance of energy efficiency in Serbia and it will last for three years. He's part of the big action of the United Nations which set a goal to double its energy efficiency. These activities are held in Serbia before the adoption of the Law on the Rational Use of Energy.
