26. Nov 2012.

The Public Debate on Republic of Serbia capacities in implementing European standards in environmental area was realized

European movement in Serbia, Belgrade Open school, Centre for Civil Society Development “PROTECTA” and UNCOOP have organized public debate regarding presentation of policy paper named “Improving capacities of local self-government units, civil society organizations and undertakings in implementing European environmental standards” on 26th of November 2012 in Belgrade.

Discussion was about deliberating the results and most significant conclusions of research on capacities of local self-government units, civil society organizations and undertakings, as well on their role in environmental protection system.

On the basis of this research, paper has presented recommendations for improving local self-government units, civil society organizations and undertakings, including recommendation regarding change of preparing procedure and adopting regulations in environmental area, redefining of existing financing system, as well as recommendations on undertaking necessary measures for better understanding representatives of local self-government units and civil society organizations with EU policy and regulations in environmental area, particularly those regulations where the local self-government units have entrusted duties in implementing those policies.

Beside policy paper “Improving capacities of local self-government units, civil society organizations and undertakings in implementing European environmental standards”, at the debate the same name publication was presented. Both papers were made within “Know How To Act” project which is being implemented by European movement of Serbia, Belgrade Open School, Centre for Civil Society Development “PROTECTA” and “UNECOOP”, with support of Royal Embassy of Norway in Belgrade.
