12. Apr 2013.

The EESC Draft Opinion on role of civil society in relations of EU and Serbia

Public discussion on role of civil society in relations of EU and Serbia has been held on 11th of April 2013 in Cultural Centre “Dom Omladine Beograd” organized by European Economic and Social Committee.

Euroepan Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is consultative body of European Union which contributes to strengthening of EU democratic legitimacy in such way that enables civil society organizations to express their opinion. Beside representatives of trade unions and representatives of employers, the representatives of civil society organizations acting in EU state members are also taking part in work of EESC.

The EESC representatives have presented Preliminary Draft Opinion of EESC Foreign Affairs Department on role of civil society in relations of EU and Serbia to selected civil society organizations.

The civil society organizations from Republic of Serbia have right to submit their written comments on proposed document until Friday, 19th of April.

The adoption of final version of this EESC document has been announced for the beginning of July of current year.

The Document that was the subject of public discussion can be downloaded here.
