25. Oct 2013.

Training within the Program of Strengthening Civil Society in Environmental Protection has been held

Program of Strengthening Civil Society within the KnowHow2Act project, was held in Belgrade, 21-24. October, 2013. 

Four day long training aimed to improve knowledge and skills  of CSO’s representatives for active participation and implementation of environmental policy in Serbia. At the training were present 20 representatives of CSO’s dealing with environmental protection issues.

Lecturers were experts in fields of environmental protection and energetic from Serbia and region, with long experience in writing policy papers and public advocacy in these areas. The Program was consisted of lectures and practical trainings.

The focus was on informing participators about role of civil society in environmental protection and energetic sector and, in accordance with that, on improving skills of CSO’s representatives for writing policy paper and public advocacy.

Project is implemented by European Movement in Serbia in partnership with Belgrade Open School, Center for Civil Society Development PROTECTA, Nis, and UNECOOP from Paracin, with financial support of Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade, within Support Programme "Strengthening Civil Society in Serbia".
