14. Nov 2013.

Consultative Workshop “How to establish successful coperation between regional development agencies and their stakeholders?” held in Leskovac

The workshop named “How to establish successful cooperation between regional development agencies and their stakeholders?” was attended by representatives of regional development agencies, local self-government units and local development agencies. During the workshop brief Project description, research findings on stakeholder’s perception on regional development agencies in Serbia, as well as recommendations on improving consultative mechanism between regional development agencies and stakeholders was presented. Workshop was hosted by research associates and project assistants of Belgrade Open School, Vanja Dolapcev and Slobodan Ocokoljic.

After the first part of the workshop was finished, discussion was organized with participants on improving recommended consultative model. Workshop participants have given their contribution in form of opinions and suggestions on systematic approach and on project co-financing system. Their opinions and suggestions will be included in final study. This study will be published in January 2014

The following consultative workshop will be organized in Uzice, on Wednesday, 20th of November 2013.
