06. Feb 2014.

Consultative working group for environmental protection has been established in Batocina

Municipal council of Batocina Municipality has adopted decision on establishing Consultative working group for environmental protection on 30th of December 2013.

By recognizing a significance of cooperation between local management, civil society and interested public in creating and implementing environmental policy on local level, municipal council in Batocina has formed Consultative working group for environmental protection.

This consultative body will be consisted out of municipal administration, members of councils responsible for urban planning, transport, utilities and housing services and environmental protection of Batocina Municipality, representative of trustee network of Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, representatives of associations, health and educational institutions, business sector and media.

By establishing consultative working group in Batocina Municipality the civil society organizations campaign has ended. At the same time the cooperation on creating sustainable environmental policy between civil society organizations has started. This cooperation will be based upon the participation of all relevant stakeholders.
