19. Nov 2014.

Application “Europe in Your Pocket” has been presented at the regional conference “CSO and Good Practices in Using Communication Channels”

Project Coordinator in Centre for European Integration of the Belgrade Open School, Danijela Bozovic, took part as a speaker on a regional TACSO conference which dealt with practices of using communication tools in civil society organizations. Danijela Bozovic used this opportunity to present Android application “Europe in Your Pocket” as an example of good practice.Application has been created and launched in the framework of the project “Europe in Your Pocket – Improving the Youth Informing on European Union and European Integration Process” which is conducted by Belgrade Open School and with the support of Serbian Office for European Integration.

Regional conference “Civil Society Organizations and Good Practices in Using Communication Channels” was held in Skopje from 4th to 6th November 2014. The main focus of the conference has been on discussing social networks and the important role these communication tools are playing in establishing connection between CSOs and their target groups. Conference was organized by Regional TACSO Office and it gathered CSOs representatives and practitioners from the Western Balkans and Turkey.
