Period 2008 - 2010

Strengthening capacities of the Serbian administration for EU integration - SA4EU

Strengthening capacities of the Serbian administration for EU integration - SA4EU


The purpose of the project is to is to strengthen the knowledge and skills of representatives from local, regional, and central level of public administration of Serbia, on aspects of the functioning of the EU in actual relation to Serbia.   

The project will be implemented trough five Educational modules:

  1. Program 1: Advanced European Union Institutions and Decision-Making,
  2. Program 2: EU Environmental Policy,
  3. Program 3: EU Health Policy,
  4. Program 4: EU ICT Policy,
  5. Program 5: EU Regional Policy.

The educational modules within the project “Strengthening the Capacities of the Serbian Administration for EU Integration” are defined to allow:

  • selected representatives from local, regional and central levels of Serbian public administration  to gain relevant and applicable knowledge of the functioning of the  European Union, its decision making process and the common sectorial policies relevant to Serbia’s path towards the EU;
  • the improvement of government officials involved in policies which will be significant in Serbia’s negotiation process  with European Commission representatives;
  • the increased  coordination, communication and professionalism  in the day to day workings of the state authorities involved in the European integration process;
  • the creation and training of  strong networks  in the central, regional and local administrations of the Republic of Serbia;
  • participants employed in local municipalities as experts of public administration will enhance efficient of their respected local municipalities and will be able to strife on policy making process with the main aim to improve the Serbia’s path towards EU.


In the scope of each of these educational programs is foreseen a five-day study visit to the EU institutions in Brussels. For these study visits, Brussels will choose 180 of the most active participants in the training program by clearly defined criteria.



Project partners: Serbia Government the EU Integration Office and European Competence Ltd.


Time and place: Belgrade, Brussels, December 2008 – June 2010.


Project associates:  

Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Health of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Economy and Regional Development of the Government of the Republic of Serbia,  Agency for Cooperation with NGOs and European harmonization, the Government of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities of Serbia


The project is supported by:

Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the bilateral cooperation between the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Serbia.


