BOŠ Karijera received a special award at the Euroguidance National competition of good practice in the field of career guidance and counseling

On Tuesday, December 6th, 2016, National Center of Euroguidance Network in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the Ministry of Youth and Sports for the fourth time organized a national Euroguidance conference “Career guidance and counseling in the Republic of Serbia". On this occasion, prizes and awards within the First National Euroguidance competition examples of good practice in the field of career guidance and counseling were awarded.
A special award for an example of good practice in the field of career guidance and counseling was given to Belgrade Open School’s online system for career management – BOŠ Karijera. As an online system which by its complexity and coverage of different services for career guidance and counseling of young people stands out from the other entries of the competition, the expert committee has decided that the team of BOŠ Karijera should be granted a special award. In the name of BOŠ Karijera the award was received by the author and chief editor Jelena Manić Radoičić. During the conference, community manager Bojana Jevtović presented the online system BOŠ Karijera.
BOŠ Karijera is the first free online system in Serbia, launched in 2011. Its goal is to provide support and empowerment for high school students and other young people to manage their careers independently and wisely. BOŠ Karijera has over 32.000 registered users of various ages and interests. The portal's Facebook page has over 7500 followers.
The first prize at the competition went to the Center for career development and student counseling of the University of Belgrade for the project "The realization of the skill course of career management at Belgrade University faculties". The second prize for the Professional practice orientation program for students with disabilities went to the School for primary and secondary education with the boarding school “Milan Petrović” from Novi Sad, while the third prize went to the Medical School from Užice.