Team work and career guidance for "Mingl" young journalists

Training for members of the editorial staff of youth portal Mingl was held on Saturday at the Belgrade Open School. Training, which was held by the members of the professional team of Belgrade Open School, consisted of workshops on teamwork, career guidance, writing a CV and motivational letter.
The first part of the training was reserved for the workshop about teamwork, which is led by Bojana Jevtović. In an interesting and interactive way she presented this topic, through theoretical, and practical part.
Following this theme, members of editorial staff had the opportunity to hear more about the career guidance, from Jelena Manic Radoicic. What is career and how to plan it - are among discussed questions through this workshop.
About proper writing CV and all the things CV should or should not have they discussed with Tamara Stanojevic. An integral part of any application, whether it's business or academic is required motivation letter. Ana Stevanovic held a workshop on this topic, through practical examples.
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