CD with video material a from the seminar "New Leaders – New Opportunities", Srebrno jezero 22 – 26. July 2011.
CD with material from the module EUROPEAN INTEGRATION, Educational Programme "PolitiKAS" academic 2011/2012
CD with video material a from the seminar "New Leaders – New Opportunities", Vrnjačka Banja 21 – 25.08.2011.
CD Civil society and environmental policy in Serbia ADOPTION OF VALUES AND PROMOTION OF DIALOGUE
CD The training program of the state administration in the field of European integration Basis of the EU political system March to May 2011
CD Waiting for the European Union: Stabilization inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations in the Western Balkans
CD with video material from the program "Strengthening the leadership potential of young Romani in Serbia"
CD STAREL Project: Stabilization of inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations in the Western Balkans, October 2010 – January 2011
CD Religions of the Balkans – meetings and permeation Project: Waiting for the European Union: the stabilization of inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations in the Western Balkans (STAREL)
CD BELGRADE INVOLVED Shaping local development policies in the European integration process more proactive and responsible action of civil society June-December 2010.
CD Project: Waiting for the European Union: stabilization of inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations in the Western Balkans (STAREL), Bečići, 05 - 11 09.2010.
CD Fundamentals of EU policies and public administration training program in the field of European integration from May to June 2010
CD School of Tolerance: ethnic and religious communities in promoting minors' rights. PROJECT: waiting for the European Union: the stabilization of inter-ethnic relations and inter-religious in the Western Balkans (STAREL)
CD Partnership for European integration in local communities December 2009 – October 2010
CD European integration and local development policies in Serbia
CD The training program of the state administration – the EU law and procedure
CD with video material a from the seminar Winter School in Ecka 21 – 24. December 2009
CD with material from the module EUROPEAN INTEGRATION, Educational Programme "PolitiKAS" academic 2009/2010
CD with video material a from the seminar "New Leaders – New Opportunities", Palic 12 – 18. July 2009.
CD with video material from the seminar "YOUNG LEADERS FOR EUROPEAN AND BALKAN" Porec, 3-9.06.2009
CD The training program of the state administration – the EU law and procedure
CD The training program of the state administration – the EU law and procedure
CD Virtual School for high school students of the year 2009
CD The training program of the state administration – the EU law and procedure
CD with video material from the seminar "New Leaders – New Opportunities" held at Palic July 2008
CD with video material from the seminar "Young leaders for a European Balkans", held at Rabac June 2008
CD The training program of the state administration in the field of European integration – EU Law and Procedure
CD The training program of the state administration – the law and procedure of EU
CD Religions of Serbia – network of dialogue and cooperation – Proceedings
CD Training Program: Perspectives of European Serbia: Association and Accession Path towards EU Membership – October 2008
CD with video material from the seminar "1968 – 40 years after" held in Rabac October 2008.
CD Writing of policy and advocacy skills for the leaders of Romani NGOs
CD The training program of the state administration – Institutions, procedures and law in the EU 2008
CD School of Tolerance "Ethnic and religious communities in the transition period", February 2008.
CD The training program of the state administration – Sectoral Policies in the EU 2008
CD Digital chrestomathy
CD School of Tolerance "Ethnic and religious communities in the transition period" 2008.
CD Internet and the public sphere in Serbia, 2007
CD Capacity Building Training for Youth Democratic Party of Serbia "Teamwork" 2007.
CD with video material from the seminar "Religions of Serbia: Encounters and permeation" held in Novi Sad December 2007.
CD with video material from the "Regional school of democracy" held at Palic July 2007.
CD with video material from the seminar "Religions of Serbia: Encounters and permeation" held at Palic August 2007.
CD with video material from the seminar "Education for Democracy" held at Rabac 2007
CD Capacity building of young political elite in Serbia: Training for European Integration – Procedures and the Law of the European Union
CD School of Tolerance "Ethnic and religious communities in the transition period" May to July 2007
CD The training program of the state administration – Institutions, procedures and law in the EU 2007
CD The training program of the state administration – Sectoral Policies in the EU in 2007
CD School of Tolerance "Ethnic and religious communities in the transition period" May to July 2007
CD Digital chrestomathy
CD with materials for the "School of Tolerance" December 2006.
CD with video material from the seminar "Training for writing proposals for Policy VIII" held at Zlatibor March 2006.
CD with video material from the mentoring workshop, "Expanding the Information Society in the Western Balkans", held in Belgrade February 2006.
CD Work plan of Seminar "Knowledge of self" held in Belgrade in March 2006.
CD The training program of the state administration – Institutions, procedures and law in the EU 2006
CD The training program of the state administration – Sectoral Policies 2006
CD e-volucija 2005 – Network of cyberfeminism, Language and Information-communication technologies, online behavior
CD with video material from the seminar "Training for writing proposals for Policy VII" held at Zlatibor, October 2005.
CD with video material from the seminar "Training for writing proposals for Policy VI" held at Zlatibor, October 2005.
CD Discussions about Europe, Belgrade Open School, Belgrade, 2005.
CD European Union – Guide for Youth, Belgrade Open School, Belgrade, 2005.
CD with video material from the seminar "Training for writing proposals for practical policy V" held in Čortanovci June 2005.
CD with video material from the seminar "Training for writing proposals for practical policy IV" held in Čortanovci June 2005.
CD with video material from the seminar "The road to democracy through effective policy" held in Kanjiža in September 2005.
CD The European Union and the Balkans – Belgrade Open School, DAUS academic 2004/2005.
CD with video material a from the seminar Education for Democracy, held in Opatija, June 2005
CD Collection of Essays of the Belgrade Open School – students' essays, generation 2003/2004
CD Publications of Cirel – Centre for Religious Studies: essays from conferences, summerschools and web site „Faith – Knowledge – Peace“
CD with video material of online school European Integration 2004
CD with video material from the training "Policy Paper Writing III" held in Palic in November 2004
CD European Integration educational programme for public administration – Procedures and Law of the European Union
CD Centre for Religious Studies – Religious Dialogue in the Balkans: the Drama of Understanding
CD European Integration educational programme for public administration – Sectoral Policies of the European Union
CD European Integration educational programme for public administration – Harmonisation of Legislature of the Republic of Serbia With the Legal System of the European Union
CD with video material from the seminar Team building V, held in Kanjiza, May 2004
CD with video material from the training "Policy Paper Writing II" held on Kopaonik in November 2004
CD with video material from the training "Policy Paper Writing I" held on Kopaonik in November 2004
CD with video material from the seminar Team building IV, held on Kopaonik in October 2004
CD ROM with video material from the seminar Team building III, held in Vrnjačka Banja in September/October 2004
CD with video material from the seminar "Effective Policy Papers to Influence Decision Making", held on Zlatibor in June 2004
5th issue of the on-line magazine "e-volution", June 2004
CD with video material and photographs from the seminar Education for Democracy, held in May – June 2004, September 2004
CD with video material and photographs from the seminar Team building II, held in May 2004, July 2004
CD with video material and photographs from the seminar "Religions of the Balkans: Dialogue and Reconciliation", held in March 2004, May 2004
CD with video material and photographs from the seminar Team building I, held in February 2004, June 2004
CD with the Centre for Religious Studies three collection of essays: "Inter-Religious Dialogue As a Way of Reconciliation in South Eastern Europe", "Religions of the Balkans: Encounters and Interweaving", "Religious Dialogue: Drama of Understanding", March 2004
CD with video material and photographs from the Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Belgrade Open School, February 2004
CD with final material from virtual school "Little School of Journalism", January 2004
CD of 30 minutes movie "BOS – 10 years", recorded in November 2003
CD with final material from virtual school "European Integrations", January 2004
CD with final material from virtual school "Little School of Journalism", January 2003
CD with video material from the third regional summer school "Religions of the Balkans: Encounters and interweaving", held in Kikinda in September 2003, December 2003
CD with video material from the "Religions of the Balkans: Experiences and Perspectives" second follow-up seminar of the second regional summer school, held in Budva in May 2003, November 2003
CD with video material from the "Religions of the Balkans: Dialogue and Reconciliation" first follow-up seminar of the second regional summer school, held in Novi Pazar in February 2003.
CD edition of the research study "Internet Survey: Belgrade 2002 – Internet Users in Belgrade", November 2003
CD with preparation material from virtual school "European Integrations", October 2003
CD with preparation material from virtual school "Little School of Journalism", October 2003
CD sa video-materijalom četvrte regionalne letnje škole "Obrazovanje za demokratiju", održane u Mostaru 2003. godina
CD sa materijalima za virtuelnu školu "Evropske integracije", 2003. godina
CD sa video-materijalom za virtuelnu školu "Mala škola novinarstva", 2003. godina
CD with video material a from the seminar Education for Democracy, held in Mostar, July 2002
CD with video material from the second regional summer school "Religions of the Balkans: Encounters and interweaving", held in Palic in June 2003
CD with video material from the promotion of the BOS publications, May 2003
CD sa video materijalom follow-up seminara "Religije Balkana: iskustva i perspektive", održanog u Sarajevu, 2003. godina
CD with complete material from virtual school "Aspects of Globalisation", April 2003
CD with complete material from virtual school "What is a Democratic State", April 2003
CD sa video-materijalom virtuelne škole "Srbija u tranziciji", 2003. godina
CD with complete material from virtual schools 'The Foundations of Democracy" and "Serbia in Transition", March 2003
CD with video material from three seminars on Team Building for activists of People's movement Otpor!, February 2003
CD with video material from the seminar NGO Management for members of Ecological NGOs from Serbia, organised together with OSCE in October 2002, December 2002
CD with video material from the seminar NGO Management, organized together with OSCE for members of Ecological NGOs from Vojvodina, in May 2002
The third issue of the magazine "Eurotranzicija" (www.eurotranzicija.org), September 2001