Fostering OSF Alumni Network of Serbia and the Western Balkans


Regional OSF Alumni Conference "Mind the Gap: Bridging Research and Policy Development and European Integration of the Balkans" was held on the 19th and 20th of November 2015, in hotel "Palas" in Belgrade. The aim of this regional event was to increase regional cooperation in the Western Balkans as well as to strengthen the role of the alumni of the Open Society Foundations in the social, political and educational dialogue.

More on the "Mind the Gap: Bridging Research and Policy Development and European Integration of the Balkans" Conference you can find here.

Upon the completion of the Conference, all participants were asked to evaluate the work that had been done before and during the Conference itself. In the continuation of this text there is a schematic review of the evaluation that the participants filled out and their impressions from the Conference as well as their oppinion on skills that they have gained at the Conference.


What is your overall impression of the conference MIND the GAP:
Bridging Research and Policy Development in European Integrations of the Balkans?

• It`s one of the greatest regional research policy discussions I have attended. Brief on political influences, very academic/scientific & great expert attendance.

• Very interesting talks and inspiring sessions. It was great to meet other alumni who work on related topics.

•  I feel that the Conference has been an excellent opportunity to hear very interesting topics to share.

• Excellent networking opportunity with an interesting topic. Although time schedule changed it brought 6000 discussions.


Taking into account your experience in policy research and advocacy, did this conference help to expand your knowledge and skills in this area?



How effective were the conference components in exchange of your experience in bridging research and policy development in European Integrations of the Balkans?


Please write one or two sentences to describe what you gained from the conference.

• An idea of how to construct a policy research and presentation, as I did not have similar experience before.

• Excellent knowledge about the potential ways to find your path in the policy arena.

• Knowledge about the great people (experts) who are still here and addressing real issues of this region.

• Exchange experience with other participants.


Please comment on what could have been done in a more effective way.

• Networking and discussion of the research papers.

• More participants and alumni students/professionals.

• More time for discussion. This groups are very diverse.

• It might have lasted for two more days.


How effective was the methodology used in the conference?



How would you rank the organization of the Conference?