“Internet in the function of religious education and reconciliation in the former Yugoslavia”

“Internet in the function of religious education and reconciliation in the former Yugoslavia”

In 2004 CIRel started the regional project “Internet in the function of religious education and reconciliation in the former Yugoslavia” and created a web site »Faith Knowledge Peace« This project was supported by the Foundation Pax Christi Netherlands.

The project aimed at making religion, a true and traditional guide and follower of the humankind, as well asreligious and cultural heritage of peoples of former Yugoslavia, closer to the current audience through the most modern means of information and communication - the Internet, and thus this important segment of contemporary society make more involved in the process of reconciliation and peace building in Bosnia and Herzegovina , Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro.

By the introduction and consolidation of various initiatives for peacebuilding and the promotion of interreligous dialogue, the website facilitates communication between various groups active in this field (scholars, peace activists, journalists, artists, NGOs, government bodies dealing with these issues, educational institutions, etc.). quite numerous but mostly unbeknownst to each other, using advantages of mutual linguistic understanding in major part of the region.  The portal contains a number of databases on peacebuilding non-governmental and international organizations, government institutions, religion related media, and a List of international treaties, laws and other international and national legal acts concerning freedom of religion, as well as a large database of texts, analysis and policies in these areas.

