Follow up online program - The "Final Solution" of the Jewish Problem

Centre for religionus studies of Belgrade open school

organises a follow-up online educational program


“TheFinal Solution Of The Jewish Problem”

 (mart - jun  2015. godine)


Online educational program "The 'Final Solution' Of The Jewish Problem" was launched by the Centre for Religious Studies (CIRel) Belgrade Open School (BOS) in collaboration with the International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem. This program follows the chronology of the "Final Solution," its manifestations in west and east of Europe and its perpetrators and victims. Students will gain knowledge about the steps in the establishment of the idea of the "Final Solution" and its implementation in various countries. They will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with personal testimonies, as well as parts of Nazi literature on this subject, to acquire the relevant knowledge about this period of history and try to understand the tragedy of the Holocaust. Online educational program will be held in English.



Online program "The 'Final Solution' Of The Jewish Problem" will last for thirteen weeks, starting from Monday 9 March 2015. Every Monday (except on April 6, 2015, for the duration of the Jewish holiday of Passover) lessons will be sent to students at the email address. The inaugural lecture will be held inBelgrade Open School in Masarikova 5/16, Belgrade, where attendees will be addressed by Dr Chava Baruch, director of the department for the Balkans and Central Europe, Yad Vashem, and will discusse with the students about the goals and expectations of the program, while the last lecture will be held over Skype (Skype).



As part of the educational program the following topics will be covered:

-Life of Jews in Yugoslavia and Europe before World War II;
-The historical framework of the Holocaust;
-Place and the importance of the Jews in the recent history of Serbia;
-Crimes of genocide with special reference to the Holocaust;
-How to pass on knowledge about the Holocaust and so on.




Regional web portal "Faith - Knowledge - Peace"

Regional web portal "Faith - Knowledge - Peace"


In 2004. CIRel started the regional project “Internet in the function of religious education and reconciliation in the former Yugoslavia” and created a web site »Faith Knowledge Peace«

The purpose of this Action is to further promote religious rights as one of fundamental human rights, and, consequently, involve variety of faith-based institutions and organisations in the wide scope of civil society initiatives in Serbia. This Action aims to make work of churches and religious communities more publicly vivid, especially in the number of fields that directly provide respect and fulfilment of human rights, such as education, health, social security and welfare, national or ethnic origin, unrestricted equality, participation in the cultural life, etc. Finally, the purpose of this Action is also to promote more common activities initiated by churches and religious communities on one side, and any subject from public or social life of Serbia (authorities, media, NGOs, etc) that will jointly contribute to democratic reform and conflict prevention in Serbia and support conflict resolution.

The web portal contains a large number of databases on peace and non-governmental international organizations, government institutions, religious, media, and a list of international treaties, laws and other international and national legal acts concerning freedom of religion, as well as a large database of texts, analysis and policy in these areas.