Projects in the cooperation with European Training Foundation

In the period 2006 -2010, CDE developed cooperation and provided its expertise to European Training Foundation – ETF for its activities in Serbia. In this period eight projects were successfully implemented in the framework of this cooperation:
1. “Transition from education to work”, where BOS prepared and traslated report which consist of analysis on transition from educational system to field of work and employment in Serbia;
2. “Providing expertise in the field of statistics”, where BOS provided expertise in the field of statistics, and especially statistical data about education, labour market and demographics in Serbia;
3. “Spreading information on policies of European Union in the field of secondary vocational training and good practice of Western Balkans and candidate countries”;
4. “Key competences for Life Long Learning in Serbia“;
5. "Need for capacity building in the field of employment/development of human resources in the pre-accesion countries: capacity for management and administration and need for capacity building in Serbia";
6. "Capacity buidling of Sector for employment (Ministry of economics and regional development) - preparation of the project proposal and IPA EU fonds";
7. "Report about role and capacities of social partners in creating an effective strategy in education/training and employment in Serbia";
8. "The role of social partners in the sector dialogue in education and training" (peer learning activities in Serbia as a part of bigger, regional project).
In the project "Key competences for Life Long Learning in Serbia" BOS was in charge for complex project activities on development of key comptences in the system of vocational education in Serbia. The research has been conducted in order to analyze how are two competences "learn to learn" and "entrepreneurship" included in official educatioanl system. Research was baseline for policy conclusions and recommendations, which could be included in further development activities. Working on these two competences can be considered also as a platform for introducing the concept of key competences for life long learning into Serbian educational system in general.
- BOS has conducted researches, created recommendations for reform of the system and worked on building of capacities for successfull involvement of Serbia into European processes in the field of vocational education, work and employment.
In the project “Spreading information on policies of European Union in the field of secondary vocational training and good practice of Western Balkans and candidate countries”, the main objective was to help the process of modernisation of VET through better understanding of the reform and participation in the debate about that reform by key actors in those countries. The politics of EU which are part of Copenhagen and Maastricht contracts and Education and Training 2010 work programme have been analyzed. BOS was in charge for:
- training for members of Copenhagen comity and promoters of Copenhagen process (three one-day trainings);
- the preparation of the study “Comparative analysis of experiences of EU in the field of qualifications (institutions, procedures, legislation)“.