ICT as a Tool for Better Education of Youth

Project overall objective is smart usage of ICT as a perfect tool for better education of youth.
Project specific aims are:
- Improvement of quality and avalibility of online content for better inforamtion on youth activism issues and career
- To improve capacities of school teachers' associations for implemetation of contemporary educational policies based on digital literacy and career gudied education
- To promote and enhance smart usage of internet in education, science, social and political activism, business and art
Project activities:
- Development of youth web portal – Mingl, www.mingl.rs – management (youth news desk) and content development (youth activism, creativity, career advising)
- Organization of Job Shadowing
- Development of curriculum and organization of seminar on digital literacy for 20 school teachers from rural areas
- Development of curriculum and organization of seminar on career counselling for 20 school teachers from rural areas
- Promo activities based on social networks website and online services in general.
Partner and support: Fund for an Open Society Serbia