Infotrg - Belgrade Speakers’ Corner

In order to inspire stronger political e-participation of youth and citizens in Serbia, using innovative ICT, the BOS established the Speakers' Corner for the new generation – INFOTRG (electronic displays on the Trg Republike, where the news and citizens comments sent via cell phone or internet are broadcasted).
There were several activities implemented:
- The Speakers Corner was presented to citizens as interactive tool and central outdoor channel of mass communication in February 2010
The graphic display, 14 meters long, was installed at the central and most frequent Belgrade square Trg Republike on 6th December 2009 - The web site was uploaded in December.
- E-service background was developed –
- The Statute for Speakers’ Corner users is written and uploaded to the project website
- A handbook for moderators was written, and it is enclosed to this report in Annex 4.
- Nine moderators were trained.
- Broadcast of Mingl and B92 news.
- Maintenance web site .
The project was financed by British Embassy in Belgrade.