Translation of the book “Essential Elements of the Career Counsling – Processes and Techniques”, Amundson, Haris-Bowlsbey, Niles, Pearson 2009; US Embassy in Belgrade, 2010.

The experts of Career Guidance and Counseling Center completed the translation of the handbook " Essential Elements of Career Counseling – Processes and Techniques". This is the first book on career guidance in Serbian. The edition was completed in the beginning of 2010. The handbook will enable teachers and professional associates of educational and advisory institutions in Serbia to gain theoretical knowledge and practical examples of implementation of the process of career guidance and counseling. By releasing, 16 high schools and all university career centers in Serbia received the handbook. This project was funded by the Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy in Belgrade.
From 2010. onwards distribution is continued, in order to raise the level of competence of teachers and professionals in educational institutions and institutions for the dealing with young people (Youth Offices) in Serbia in order to obtain theoretical knowledge and practical examples of implementation of the process of career guidance and counseling to their users.The book can be bought in better-equipped bookstores at a price of 1000 RSD. If you wpuld be interested in multiple copies you can order from the Belgrade Open School – Career Guidance and Counselling Centre.