Easy Transit - Education to Work Transition - Youth in Action Programme of the European Commission, 2011.

This international training course was financed through the Youth in Action Programme of the European Commission and included the EU and South Eastern Europe countries (24 participants and 5 experts and support staff from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Italy, Spain and Turkey). The host was Belgrade Open School. The overall aim of the project was to contribute to the quality of support systems for youth through capacity building of youth organizations and their workers to avoid unemployment of young people through career information and guidance.
During 7 working days, 29 people talked about topics such as career guidance and youth work, the transition from education to the labor market, the European labor market, youth unemployment, intercultural learning, European citizenship, and so on. We used methods of non-formal learning through discussion groups. The official language of the training course was English.Click here to see photos from the Training.