Career Calls You

The project „Career Calls You“ dealt with the problems of unemployment and lack of employability of young people, which are brought in connection with inadequate distribution of services of career guidance and counseling for young people in Serbia.
The project aimed to increase the employability of young people by improving the system of career informing in the local youth offices that have not been sufficiently involved in the programs of career guidance and counseling.
The project was being implemented in collaboration with local youth offices from Apatin, Backa Palanka, Bujanovac, Indjija, Kikinda, Svilajnac, Svrljig, Sjenica, Sremska Mitrovica and Stara Pazova, whose 21 representatives attended a three-day training of peer career informing, and then organized a total of 12 peer workshops for youth in their local communities.During the project young people from all over Serbia were provided with free career counseling via the Internet.
The project was financed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia.