Serious Games for Social and Creative Competencies

Serious Games for Social and Creative Competencies
This project has the aim to conceptualize and develop social competencies related to personal, social & professional development through creation of computer/mobile 3D serious games, for the purpose of adult education, professional development and creation of school curricula.
Throughout this project a set of interactive 3D simulations for development of social competencies and creativity will be created on the languages of project partners (English, Bulgarian, German, Dutch, Turkish, Lithuanian and Serbian).
The simulations will be created in 3 modes (user options):
- Single-player mode - to enable users to experience a scenario prepared for the development of social competences
- Machine mode
- Multiplayer mode - allows several users to be simultaneously involved in playing the role within the scenario for the development of social competences (research of differences, conflicts and finding solutions)
Belgrade Open School participates in several work packages (Management, Research and Analysis, Learning Content Creation, Interactive games for web and mobile learning) and will be a leading partner on the work package “Usability evaluation and piloting”. During the implementation of this work package complete set of interactive 3D simulations for development of social competencies and creativity (designed within this project) will be tested and piloted.
More information on the project can be found on the Official website of the project Serious Games for Social and Creative Competencies.
The project is financed by The European Commission through the Lifelong Learning Programme.
Project activities implemented in the period from 07 July 2014 to 07. February 2015, are co-financed by the Ministry of Yoth and Sports of Republic of Serbia.