Career that fits youth – improvement of the methodology for measuring the effects of career guidance and counselling

The project “Career that fits youth – improvement of the methodology for measuring the effect of career and guidance services“ aims to contribute to the improvement of the position and employability of young people in Serbia through further development of the career guidance and counselling system based on the effects and needs of young people. The project is follow-on of the project “Career that fits youth” that BOS implemented in throughout 2013 and in early 2014, with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sport.
Within the scope of the project, the employability of young people will be measured again in accordance with the improved methodology. A modern software for data collection and processing will ensure the accuracy and precision of the results. Bearing in mind the unemployment rate among young people in Serbia as well as the fact that the results from the previous project demonstrated that people who received career guidance and counselling services are more employable than those who did not have such services, the aim of the project is to prove the long term effects of career guidance and counselling on the employability. Moreover, the aim is to support further development of these services, as well as develop strategies and measures in the field of youth policy. Throughout the project, participants included in the research and other young people from Serbia will have access to online career informing and counselling services. Young people included in the project from Obrenovac will be provided with psycho-social support if needed.The project will be implemented in the period from September 2014 to January 2015, with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sport.