Support to the Ministry of Finance through Internship Placements

After successes achieved within the project „Better public administration through internship placements“ , the project „Support to the Ministry of Finance through Internship Placements“ continues to improve and increase capacities of the public administration through internship placements.
In cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, four internship positions and profiles of interns will be defined. Then, four young and talented professionals will be selected to enhance the work of the Budget Sector with their knowledge and skills.
The five-month paid internships will take place at the Ministry of Finance, the Budget Sector.
Benefits od participating in this project are numerous. The Budget Sector will get reinforcement in the form of young talented professionals. On the other hand, the interns, in addition to the financial incentives, will have significant opportunity to gain work experience in the public administration, improve their skills in various areas and receive career counselling services.
The project will be implemented in the period from May 2014 to January 2015 with the support of the USAID Business Enabling Project and the Ministry of Youth and Sport.