MUSTRA III – Model of harmonizing the education system with the labour market – Advocacy campaign for implementation of the recommendations from the policy papers

Throughout numerous previous projects, BOS has developed a solid network of vocational high schools all over Serbia with whom we have a successful long term cooperation. The aim of the project is to contribute to overcoming challenges associated with the mismatch between vocational schools and the labour market by improving practical political framework in order to increase employability of youth and to contribute to better youth transition from education to world of work.
The project was developed in cooperation with local partners, based on the achievements from the previous project, MUSTRA I and MUSTRA II, which were implemented in 2013 and 2014.
With this project, BOS will advocate for implementation of recommendations from policy papers regarding improvement of creating VET Schools enrolment policy aiming at sustainable local economic development in the area of jurisdiction of two school administration.The Career Guidance and Counselling Centre of Belgrade Open School is implementing the project from 1 May to 30 November 2015. The project is funded by Solidar Suisse – Office in Serbia.