Better Public Administration though Internship Placement

Better Public Administration through Internship Placement
After successfully completed the first circle of internship placements, Belgrade Open School continues with the implementation of the project “Better Public Administration through Internship Placement”. This project deals with the creation and implementation of a specific internship program intended to be implemented in state institutions in Serbia, particularly in sectors of great importance for entrepreneurship.
The first circle of the project “Better Public Administration through Internship Placement” was implemented in the period from December 2012 to the end of 2013. Due to successful results, the project continues throughout 2014. Four out of fifteen interns got employment in the private or public sector during the project implementation and 9 of them got their internships extended, which demonstrates the importance of internship for improving young people’s employability.
Benefits of this program proofed to be numerous. Institutions participating in the program get reinforcement, i.e. young and competent professionals, without overburdening the budget of the Republic of Serbia. On the other hand, the interns, apart from receiving financial incentives, have significant opportunity to gain work experience in public administration, improve their skills in various areas, and receive career counseling services.Belgrade Open School coordinates this project with the support of USAID Business Enabling Project (BEP).